Chapter Twenty - Bring It Bitch

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I open my jaw – as if to gasp – however no sound comes out. I simply stare at Aaron, gripping his dagger as he glares at the two members of the red team that remain – both of whom wield theirs. I can tell any sudden movements from either side will cause a fight to break out, Kate obviously senses the same because neither of us speak nor budge.

‘’What did you do to Alice and Kate?’’ questions Aaron.

I cock an eyebrow in confusion.

‘’What do you mean?’’ asks Alex.

Exactly. What does he mean?

‘’Where are they?’’ he demands.

‘’How would we know?’’ scoffs Alex.

I turn to Kate and give her a sideways glance. She shrugs her shoulders.

‘’I think he’s serious,’’ smirks Niamh, ‘’he really doesn’t know where they are.’’

Again I turn to Kate.

‘’What is he talking about?’’ I question in a hushed voice.

‘’I don’t know,’’ she whispers in response.

‘’It doesn’t make sense.’’

Movement in the clearing draws my attention back to Aaron and the others. They have begun to circle around the camp, weapons raised. I don’t like where this is going.

‘’Are we gonna fight, or are you just going to stare at my face all night?’’ questions Alex.

Aaron doesn’t respond, instead he dives forward and slashes his dagger at Alex. This obviously caught him by surprise because he curses as he jumps backwards and he nearly falls over. After this falter however, he begins jabbing back at Aaron. I watch Niamh, she has retreated a few steps, and she watches the fight break out with a cruel smirk beginning to form across her face.

Aaron dodges a couple of Alex’s dagger swipes – only just – and manages to swing a punch in. His fist collides with the side of Alex’s jaw and he cries out in pain. The blow sends him sideways however he retains his balance, somehow staying on his feet.

Alex kicks Aaron in the shin and causes him to falter, falling to one knee with a cry of pain. As he screams, I flinch slightly. Seeing him in pain isn’t as satisfying as Kate made it sound, in fact, it isn’t satisfying at all. I find myself watching Aaron in fear, silently praying each of Alex’s blows miss.

I notice how Aaron is fighting, it is defensively. Although he does throw in a few offensive dagger lunges, he is mainly focusing on prolonging the fight with Alex. He doesn’t want to kill him. He must want something from him.

But what? Me? Why?

‘’Tell me,’’ he orders, as if reading my thoughts.

‘’Tell you what?’’ questions Alex as he ducks beneath a swing of Aaron’s dagger and reacts with a swing of his own.

‘’Where are Alice and Kate, have you killed them?’’

Something seems off with this.

Why is he asking about us? If he’s the traitor then why is he so concerned about-

My train of thought is interrupted as realisation hits me. Aaron isn’t the traitor. I turn to Kate just as she lunges for me, dagger ready in hand. I yelp and dive out of the way as she dives at me and her dagger rips the fabric of my jacket.

‘’What are you doing?’’ I gasp in horror.

‘’Surely you’re not that stupid,’’ she responds in disgust.

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