Chapter Thirty - The Great Escape

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I lie on the chair as Martin exits the room, my eyes are just barely open so I know when to act. I sit silently and as the seconds drag into minutes, I begin to get restless. So many things could go wrong here. There’s no guarantee this plan will work, he may not even get to the control room. We are by no means safe yet.

Come on, come on...

I still cannot believe this is happening. I honestly thought it was over for us. I honestly thought I was dead. I think back over Martin’s words, he had mentioned a billionaire – I wonder who that could be...

I also replay his instructions again and again in my head, ensuring I do not forget how to escape this hellhole. Exit and keep following the wall on the right until I reach the stairwell. Descend three storeys and then take the door on the right.

I can do this. I can so do this. We are going to live.

I wish I could move – if even just my head. I desperately need to see Aaron. I need to see that he is alright. I have come too close to losing him far too many times.

Please let this work.

As this thought crosses my mind, there is a brief humming sound and the room goes dark around me. For a short time, I am plunged into pitch blackness and it is somewhat frightening. However after a few moments, the room comes into focus – the outline of the light a few centimetres above my face a slighter darker shade of black than the background.

A smile spreads across my face.

He did it.

Despite how I am already in the dark, I close my eyes to help me focus. I am not exactly sure how this helps me, but for some reason it always has. I spring into action immediately, pulling the dagger from my pocket carefully – ensuring not to drop it – and I get to work on the constraints that confine me to this chair.

The first belt-like strap is slices by the small dagger and it comes loose. I find it a lot easier now to move my arm to unleash the others. As I cut through each new tie on me, I begin to get excited and work faster as freedom draws nearer and nearer. This is going to work. We are going to survive this.

As the last of the buckles fall loose, I spring from the chair and rush in the direction of Aaron. I can only barely see his outline against the darkened background of the room.

‘’Aaron wake up!’’ I yell as I begin cutting the restraints that tie him down, slapping him gently in the face with my free hand.

He begins to stir as I cut the second buckle and pull it from him.

‘’Aaron, wake up! We’re getting out here!’’ I explain.

‘’What?’’ he questions groggily.

‘’We’re going home.’’

As I carefully cut through the straps that tie him down, I explain about Martin and what he has done for us to him. Understandably, he questions whether or not we can trust him. I ensure him that we can, after all, the power has just cut out, and everything he has said so far appears to be true.

‘’Let’s go then,’’ says Aaron as he springs from the chair he had been strapped to.

Slowly but surely, we reach the door based on our sense of touch alone. To do this, we locate the closest wall and follow it around until we come to the door. I accidentally knock the torch over with my foot as we pass – which I probably would have not been able to find otherwise.

I click it on and the room lights up around us. I glance around briefly and observe the little that occupies this rather bare room. Apart from the table that sits in between the two chairs we had been lying on, there is nothing else in the room.

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