Chapter 27

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"What?" Justin's usual golden eyes are now dark and staring at me in disbelief.

"My real name is Calista," I repeat myself.

I can see how a thousand thoughts race through his head, trying to make sense of why I would have hidden my real name from him. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, second guessing himself.

Then he speaks, "Is this some kind of publicity stunt?"

I almost want to slap him for even thinking such a thing, but with all the stories he had told me of girls using him for fame in the past, I guess the question is justified. With a boss such as Denzel Joyce, his question is more than justified.

"No," I sigh, looking away, "but my boss would have you believe so."

He frowns and brushes his messy bleached hair out of his face, "I'm confused. Is this about Mr. Leigh then?"

I shrug, "He's part of it, he saved me from being murdered."

"Murdered!" he shouts the word, "Why does someone want to murder you? Leah, I mean, Ca-Calista, are you in some sort of trouble?"

I can't help but feel loved when I look at his worried expression, already prepared to walk the extra mile for me, unaware of what the danger is even.

"I'm afraid it's the sort of trouble no individual can help us with, this is a matter of war."

I finally said it.


I nod, knowing he must feel lost, so I take both his hands and let him look at me, "I'm ready to tell you everything, but you have to promise me something."

He wearily agrees, "Okay, what is it?" curiosity already driving his instincts.

"No one can know about this, they'll come after you too if they know you know."

"Who are they? I have more than enough money to get extra body guards and I-"

"Justin! Promise me! You can't tell anyone!"

He jumps but promises when I don't shake my persistence.

"South Africa is under an international lock down," I start, "there's a silent war happening as we speak because of political corruption and racism. The people have been brainwashed to turn against each other, black tribes are turning against each other, foreigners are being hunted down and killed without mercy, the Zulu tribes and Tswana tribes have re-ignited their age-old hate for each other and started killing each other," I explain in brief and allow my lungs to fill with air before I say the last part, "the saddest part of all is that the white minority left in South Africa has become prey to all blacks because of the racist government, they blame us for a lot of things, my people are being martyred, kidnapped, raped, murdered and hunted down as we speak. The one who managed to escape the cities are now hiding and trying to survive in the deserted parts of the country, but the United Nations has put a damper on the situation, no country is willing to help or rescue us."

Justin blinks at me in a blank state of mind for a few seconds before speaking, "How did you get out?"

"We fled the cities in time and hid far north of the country," I get goosebumps just at the thought of what I'm about to say next, "Together with a few other girls, I was kidnapped and on my way to one of the Zulu camps, they wanted to use us as bait and then kill us," I flinch, "but Mr. Leigh's troops got to me before we got to their camp. I am one of the lucky ones."

It looks as if Justin has gone in to a blank state of mind, asking questions to retrieve information, but not showing any emotion, like he was numb.

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