Chapter 34

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"Get up lazy ass, it stinks in here!"

I sat up in my bed that I've been brooding in for the last week, seeing Will opening the curtains of my room.

"Will?" I asked in a raspy voice, "What are you doing here?"

Will sauntered over to the bed and scrunched his nose as he swiped away all the crumpled tissues that laid on my bed. He crossed his legs when he sat down and looked at me with a shaking head, "Mr. Leigh summoned me back to try and talk some sense into you, since you've been hiding in this room for the last few days! Seriously Calista, when was the last time you took a shower?"

I rolled my eyes and plonked my head back on the pillows groaning, "I don't want to talk to Mr. Leigh."

"And Blake?"

"Even less!" I huffed.

"Calista," Will looked at me apologetically, "the whole world knows about your breakup with J-"

"Don't even say his name!" I yelled.

He tsked-tsked at me before he jolted up and tugged at my arm to stand up, "Come on, you can't go on like this. You're a mothereffing survivor and heartache will not be the ruin of you. Get your ass in the shower, I'll make you breakfast!"


"No! Go shower! Now!" he demanded with his hands on his hips.

I didn't say anything and decided to just do as told. The sooner I get it over with the sooner Will will leave me in peace. I should've been glad to see him again, but I didn't feel anything.

That's a lie.

I felt as if I was slowly dying of heartache.

When I entered the kitchen with a fresh face and new clothes, Will was already seated at the counter with two smoothies.

My favourite.

I sighed when I took a seat next to him and slurped on the smoothie. It was probably the first time I've digested anything other than water since the incident and my stomach thanked me as it oozed down my body.

"You lost weight," Will noted, "you didn't need it. Now you look like you're about to break in half."

I just rolled my eyes and continued to drink my smoothie.

"The Leighs want you to go see them. Blake has been pestering me to let him know that you are alright."

I frowned at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you alright? Because I have a feeling this breakup has something to do with your long lost lover returning from the dead."

"Just leave it Will, I don't want to talk about what happened."

Will squinted his eyes and inhaled, "Fine, two can play at this game. I guess I'll just call Blake and tell him he can come over then, since you seem to be fine."

I shot my head up with wide eyes, "No! Please don't!"

Will smirked, "So there is something. You better tell me what's going on or so help me God I will drag your ass over to the Leighs," he threatened.

I couldn't ignore the lump that formed in my throat and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. I was full-on weeping in front of Will.

I heard him gasp, "Shit boo-boo, I didn't mean to be so mean. Sorry honey!"

I shook my head, "It's no- not-ttt you," I sobbed.

Why couldn't I control my emotions? I never wanted to see the Leighs ever again. All I wanted was to be held by Justin. I needed him. My body craved his touch. Yet, I was further away from him than ever.

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