Chapter 33

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[Justin POV]

She sleeps in silence next to me, but I can tell from the countless times she rolled around in her sleep that whatever she saw in that envelope, rattled her. I don't know how to handle it when she doesn't tell me what's wrong, but I know I need to earn her trust. I don't want a repetition of what happened the previous time I lost my patience.

Her body moves beside mine.

"Good morning," I say and plant a big kiss on her forehead.

I love how she ruffles her nose when she wakes up, I love everything about her.

"Morning," she croaks.

"Ready to go skiing?" I ask. Hopefully the adventure will lift her spirits, I'm sure she'll be happy to see Kendall and Kylie, they seemed to hit off the previous time we all hung out.

"Caffeine, I need a lot of it first," she moans. I can't help but chuckle.

When we're ready to head out, I freeze, I almost forgot to ask her something, "So, should I call you Leah in front of them?"

"Yes!" she jumps and swings around to face me, "No one can know my name is Calista, no one!" her tone is more serious than what I think she intended it to be. I see her shaking her head before she speaks again, "I mean, I'd like to keep it to the handful of people who already knows. People might start to use it against me," she shivers.

"How would they do that?" I frown.

"You know, blackmail among other things," she folds her arms to comfort herself. I see the uneasiness in her beautiful green eyes as she purses her lips together.


Was this a hint to what that envelope contained? Did someone try to blackmail my girlfriend? I know I should let it go, she'll tell me when the time is right, but I can't help but feel curious.

I sigh, "Alright, Leah it is. You know I love you right?" I remind her, but the sudden flash of sorrow that enters her eyes takes me by surprise. There was definitely something wrong.

She clears her throat, "I love you too, please don't ever forget that. No matter what happens."

The plea from her statement sends shivers up my spine. I don't like the feeling one bit, what is she keeping from me? If someone tries to hurt her, I won't think twice to protect her. She has gone through enough!

I hold out my hand for her to take and we walk out the hotel room.

* * *

"Here comes Lestin!" Kylie shrieks with a huge grin as we approach them.

"Lestin? Is that our official couple name?" I ask with my brow lifted.

"Yeah, haven't you seen it yet? It's plastered all over the internet," Kendall fills in.

I shove Kylie in a joking manner, "We try not to look ourselves up on the internet, unlike some people."

She rolls her eyes but the irritation in her eyes subdues as soon as she hugs Calista. Or Leah. I don't know.

"I want to go up the mountain, but the resort says it's too windy today," Kylie pouts her lips, "Do you guys wanna join us when it's more clear?"

I can feel Calista tense up beside me and I cut in before she can, "Maybe yeah, let's just get today over with. Ca- I mean Leah hasn't skied yet before so we're going to take it slow."

Calista's eyes widen at my almost-mistake but she just looks down again.

"So, are you guys ready for this?"

Stranger // [Justin Bieber]Where stories live. Discover now