Chapter Three: Probably Gay Friends and Restless Nights

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I made a map. Blue is windows, red is door. This is the basic layout of every dorm room. They're pretty nice because its a small school.

Also i want to know who you should have a crush on bc idk. I know not many people read this as of now and i think the first person who comments will get pick, but yeah. You might have a difficult love life. [Pls make it a Freshman or Sophmore tho]

You and Hana (she thought that Since you were gaming buddies you ought to call her by her real name) were in the middle of a very intense game of Mariocart. You were neck and neck when Mercy came in and opened the "curtains", and the bunk flooded with light. Hana dropped her DS and hissed at the light and you took over and won the race. You silently cheered.

"Let's go! Food time! Who wants Dominos?" She asked. Hana looked up and stopped hissing.

"ME!" She yelled, standing up and putting on a jacket. You shrugged.


You walked back into Tracers room to grab a hoodie. It was [F/C] and oversized. You loved it. You walked back out into the main room.

Mercy was grabbing her keys and bag off the wall, and the other two girls were grabbing their wallets. You kind of panicked when you remembered that most people who went to this school had a lot of money. You didn't have very much, and it was to buy stuff for your room.

"Uh... guys I don't have any money." You said quietly. Tracer looked at you.

"That's fine, luv. We can pay. It's just pizza," she said. You smiled at the three girls. You shoved your hands into your pockets.

"Let's go then!" You said.


After pizza, you decided to hang out with some of your other friends. Currently, Jack, Jesse, Hanzo, and Genji were all living off campus. Genji was planning on getting a dorm for reasons he would not express.

Leftovers in hand, Mercy drove you too the apartment, where the boys lived. Hana knocked on the door and covered the peephole with her finger. Footsteps followed by a sigh were heard, then the door opened.

"Hello, Hana," Jesse said in a flirtatious voice. You thought you would have to defend Hana. You didn't know Jesse very well. Then someone in the back of the apartment yelled.

"JESSE. STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL." Everyone but you laughed. Was it an inside joke?

"C'mon in, ladies," Jesse said, stepping aside and holding the door as you walked through. He reached up with a mechanical arm and tipped his dorky cowboy hat as you passes him.


You snickered. He was kind of cute, in the way that a small dog would be cute. He shut the door after you and followed as the girls led you to a table, where the other 3 guys were seated, playing Uno. Jack had the most cards, and Genji had 2. He was smiling. His face was covered by his mask, but you could tell from the way his eyes crinkled.

Hanzo and Jesse sat millimeters apart. You were pretty sure they were holding hands under the table, but you werent sure.

There were 7 chairs around the table. 3 on each side and one on the end. The other end was against the wall. You guessed that the girls came here often. You stood awkwardly behind Tracer until Genji looked up from his now single card.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners," he said, standing up and pulling out the chair. "Please, take a seat." You slowly walked over, and took a seat. He pushed it in for you and continued to stand behind you.

He watched as Jack, who was across from you, placed down a card. Red 6. Genji smiled. Jack looked at Genji with a smile, before his face melted to pure regret. Genji looked at Jesse, who was next in line with an evil smile before throwing down his final card.

A Draw 4.

Everyone gasped. Mercy and you went "oooooohhhhhh". Hana stood up and leaned toward Jesse.

"YOU JUST GOT ROASTED." Jesse lifted both hands onto the table and rested his forehead on them. He sighed, lifted his head, and threw his cards.

"HANZO WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" He said in an accusing voice.

"Excuse me??" Hanzo said.

This continued for many minutes. You watched in both horror and awe as Genji drew a katana from no where. The room went silent. He quickly sheathed it.

"I believe it is time for everyone to go home. It is 10:47," Genji said. Hana just about had a heart attack.

"SHIT," she yelled. She grabbed her jacket and the 4 of you rushed out to Mercy's car.

"What's the hurry?" You asked.

"They lock the dorm building at 11:05," Tracer said, buckling her seatbelt after Mercy had pulled out of the parking spot. Your eyes widened. You looked at Mercy.



After safely arriving at the dorm, you tucked in for the night.

Your first day had been fantastic. You had made so many friends, gotten fun classes, had pizza, and watched one of your new friends get destroyed in Uno.

Now that's a fun day.

But, it was still odd. Sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, under an unfamiliar roof. The unfamiliar sound of Tracer's breath as she slept underneath you.

You heard a russle outside the door. You quietly climbed down the latter at the end of the bed. You pulled open the door and saw Hana, with her headphones in, struggling to reach a cup up on the top shelf. Turned around and saw you. She jumped and gave a sigh of relief when she realized it was you.

"You can't sleep either?" Hana asked you. You nodded. She gave you a sympathetic smile. She opened the cabnet under her and pulled a small wooden step. She climbed on it, grabbed her cup, and jumped down.

"It's fine. Happened to me on my first day too," she shrugged. "I just played video games. Mistake," she laughed after she finished.

You shrugged. You reached for a glass in the cupboard Hana pulled hers from. You filled it will water and steped aside for Hana, but turned to see her filling it with milk. She sipped it.

"Just... listen to music or something," Hana motioned to her earbuds. "It really helps."

"Thanks, Hana," you said. She ser down her cup, did finger guns, picked her cup back up, and went into her room. The door shut behind her. You went back into Tracer's room and climbed into bed.

This was going to be a great year.

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