Chapter Five: Friendly Stranger and Wingwoman Moments

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I added more refs in the Character ref chapter.

Once the bell rang, the cafeteria emptied and the clusters of students dispersed.

I retreated to my Support class and sat in the same seat as yesterday.

Lucio sled in smoothly on his heelies.

"What's up, [YN]?" He said excitedly.

"Eh. Not much. The ceiling." You said, scuffing your feet on the floor. Lucio did his usual, positive laugh.

"C'mon! Today's gonna be a great day! I can tell." He said, trying to lift your spirits. You weren't even upset. Just a bit tired.

"I'm just tired." You rested your head on the desk. "I think I'm goingto student services during lunch to switch one of my classes. Yesterday the teacher said i was put into the class by mistake. And I have to pick up my tablet."

"What class?" Lucio asked, but before you could answer, Mrs. Hardman walked in.

"Today we will be learning about healing auras." Lucio perked up and payed attention.

"That's what I use for healing," he whispered to you.

"Does anyone in here use healing auras?" Mrs. Hardman asked. Lucio and a girl in the back raised her hand (she's made up). "Interesting. Healing auras are often not used for healing, but a secondary use. Often times its things like speed boosting or increasing damage delt."

Your train of thought drifted off a bit, but you were still recording the lesson so it was fine.


Math was a bore, but you had pyrotechnics next. You made your way down the hall and around the corner as quick as you could. Turning the corner, you bumped into a figure that wasnt there before. She almost appeared out of thin air. It scared you and you fell, dropping your books. She cringed, and hesitated before helping you pick up your stuff.

"Sorry about that," she said. She had a slight Mexican accent. You were pretty sure it was the girl sitting with Widowmaker during lunch.

"I haven't seen you around before. You must be new. I'm Sombra."

"Nice to meet you. I'm [YN]. Aren't you friends with Widowmaker and that edgy dude?" You asked. She made an 'eh' face.

"Well kind of. I mean they're my friends, but they're also kind of assholes. I'm not too much like them. I mean sure I blackmail people sometimes but thats about it." Just then the bell rang.

"Gotta go! See you around! And thanks!" You said as you jogged slightly down the hallway.


As you entered the room, Jamie spotted you and waved you over.

"Hello Jamison." You said. He scowled.

"You're lucky you're cute, girly," he said grumpily. You blushed.

"You... think I'm cute?" You asked shyly. You couldn't really picture yourself with him at all. Jamie turned red as he realized what he said.

"Well, y-yeah, but like... as a friend. You know. I-i like someone else already if you were-" he stuttered a bit. You chuckled.

"Chill. I also just think of you as a friend." He sighed.

"Ok. I was scared ya got the wrong message there."

"But who do you like? I could be your wingwoman!" You asked. He suddenly turned bright red. It glowed through his dirt caked cheeks and there was no hiding it.

"M-Mei?" Jamie stuttered out. You gasped.

"Omg I can totally see that. She's so sweet. You should totally ask her out." Jamie smiled.

"You think she would say yes?" He asked. You nodded.

"You might want clean your face first though. It's getting a bit much. When's the last time you bathed?"

"Um... last week?" He said. You found it odd. He smelled pretty nice actually. Like soil and flowers almost.

"Yeah. Shower."


At lunch, you told Jack you were going to sit at a different table. Your other friends were happy you made new friends.

As you walked towards Jamie's table, you gave Sombra a little finger wave. She smiled at you. You sat down next to Jamie as he was explaining something to his larger friend.

"- and then, it has a switch that- oh hey [YN]! I didn't think you'd be sitting here!" He said. You shrugged.

"Well we need to plan out how you're going to ask out Mei," you said. Jamie's other friend laughed. You looked at him.

"I don't think we've met. I'm [YN]." You said.

"Mako, but you can call me Roadhog if you want." he said plainly.

"Roadie here is my best friend. We plan all of our schemes together. Exept... this one. Neither of us are close enough to Mei so I'm glad ya offered to help." Jamie explained.

"No problem. Anything to make OTPs come true," you said. They gave you confused looks but brushed it off.

"Anyway, here's the plan," Jamie said as he pulled out a dirty sheet of paper. "With this, Mei should be my girlfriend by December."

"Woah woah woah. December?!? That's way to late. I'm thinking next week." You said. Jamie just about had a heart attack.


"Yes! And it's not hard and avoids embarassment." You explained. Jamie stopped freaking out.

"No embarassment you say?"


After your conversation with Jamie, you dashed off to Student Services to quickly swap Sorcery out for a study hall, since no other classes interested you, and many people you knew had a last period study hall.

You also picked up your tablet and dashed off to History.

When you got there, Tracer was waiting im her seat. You also saw Sombra im the back of the room. You waved to her but before you could see her response you were yanked into her seat by Tracer.

"What are you doing?!?" She whisper screamed at you. "She's part of 'Talon'!"

"What's that again?" You asked. Tracer sighed.

"It's the group of people here who don't want to be heros. They want to be the bad guys." Tracer explained.

"Well she ran into me in the hall and i talked to her. She's really nice!" You told Tracer. It didn't seem to matter though. Tracer already had her opinions on Sombra.

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