A Scorpio and Gemini's friendship II

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Sending memes/posts on every social media platform ever (i.e. tumblr, twitter, instagram)Ending up doing things they said they wouldn't because they couldn't (i.e. we said we couldn't co-own any account with anyone no matter who but now we share two accounts) Developing the same interests together (i.e. astrology, music artists, kpop groups, etc.)You feel the emptiness when you haven't talked to them for hours upon end once a day
I mentioned this before, but countless inside jokes??? You'll always confuse other people by bringing them into a normal conversation it'll annoy other people but it's hilarious
You basically get to know their entire family if you're close enough and that's great (i.e. I have a streak w her mom on snapchat)You tell each other things you can't tell anybody else and trust they'll never tell anybody else, even if the friendship fades (as if you'd even let the friendship fade)You can text multiple times before they reply and they'll still reply to all your messages
Hating the same people together and it's actually hilarious because you can go on forever about why you hate certain people. Gossip counts too
Your conversations kinda revolve around the same topics but no one really cares?? You can go on and on about the same topic and you still won't get tired of it (i.e. boyfriends; wanting to meet each other; anything)

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