The signs favorite things about Virgos

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Aries: they're feisty and talkative, they're open minded, they care about people

Taurus: their thoughtfulness, they're perfectionists, they're considerate

Gemini: their straightforwardness, their sense of humor, their mannerisms, good listeners

Cancer: their reliability, they're good listeners,  they're sarcastic

Leo: they're fun to hang out with, great conversationalists, they try their best to constantly improve themselves

Virgo: their loyalty, they put themselves before others, their positivity

Libra: they're hilarious and badass at the same time, they're super outgoing and fun when you get to know them !!!

Scorpio: they're smart and nice, they're helpful and organized, they're warm and kind

Sagittarius: they're sassy and don't mess around, they know how to get things done, they're organized

Capricorn: they pay attention to the small details, they're very hardworking, they give 100% into everything they do, they're compassionate 

Aquarius: their helpfulness, they give good advice, they're deep thinkers,

Pisces: their innocence, they fill silences with words, they're genuine, you can be yourself around them

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It's not Virgo season I know, but this was saved in my tumblr drafts for the LONGEST time so I just decided to post it.

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