Chapter 2

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     As you have probably already noticed about me, I have to make some sort of vow for my goals to be reached.  I don't know how this started, but I have a pretty good idea that it started when my mom had started cleaning out Kelly's room.  So when I leafed through the brochure for 'The future leaders of America', I realized two things:

1.             I was definitely warming up to this school, even if it was a bit corny.

2.             I needed to make a new vow

    This vow had to be something that would make sure I would know that I was about to do something big, no wait, HUGE, and it might just change my life.  It had to be a reminder that I was about to make the boldest decision of my life.

So this is what I came up with:

My Vow

I, Caroline Jay, am now making a vow of extreme importance. In this vow I hereby state that I will commit to going to the Presidential School of Excellence from here on out to my last year. No matter what, I will make sure that I won't be afraid anymore, or shy at the least.  I, Caroline Jay, state that this will be a new beginning for myself, as well as the people close to me as I will become someone different and exciting. This isn't a new Caroline Jay, but a new perspective of her. This perspective will be of Caroline Jay who will no longer just be the smart girl, but the overall great and social one that everyone wants to be friends with. In this vow, I have committed to going to the President's school as well as become who has been fighting to escape the shy one holding Caroline Jay back.

XX Caroline Jay

I held the paper back, admiring my work, and the signature keeping me to this vow, this promise, or maybe just a goal.  The thing about my vows is that I wouldn't let anyone know about them, let alone read them.  I don't think even my mom knows about them, and she is one of the closest people I have, besides my dad and my aunt, along with her children.  Yes, Aunt Jackie is married, but I think that "Uncle" Art is just one big jerk who could care less about this family.  Fortunately, he is my aunt's second husband (and hopefully not her last!)  I could recall any day I spent with Uncle Art, since they were about the worst in my life... the most recent time though, was when the whole family had gone to Gramma's house for the 4th of July.  Unfortunately, our family came last (of course) and the only place left at the table was next to him.  Let me tell you, Art loves eating almost more than his shot-glass collection.  As soon as we sat down on that painfully hot day with our food on our plates and ice filled to the brim, my uncle made his move.  He flipped back his over-gelled hair and shot me his stupid smile that was lopsided and a bit too cockily. 

 "Hey, Caroline," (he pronounced my name like Caroli-i-i-ina!) as he winked at me like he was some big shot.  "That's a lot of food for a little girl like yourself, do you think you're gonna be able to finish it?  Because, as the generous man I am, I’m willing to take care of all that."  My head fell down the paper plate that was only being covered by half a corn on the cob and a plain burger.  This might seem funny to anyone else, but sadly, he was serious.  On top of being a jerk, my uncle's ego is enormous.  And this was only one time with him, not that we strived to spend a lot of our time with him. He was another person I had made a vow not to be like, in case my self-esteem somehow escalated to his level. But I was finally ready— ready to take on a new school, a new home, and probably a new life. The difference besides being prepared for this life change was that I was able to accept that I could not be the same unmemorable girl I was, this time I was going to make a name for myself. 


Hey sorry this chapter is so short! But it will get to the point soon, I promise!! :)


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