Chapter ten

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Lucy sits next to Albus on his bed and stares off into space. Her black cat sits on her lap and she smiles at him for a bit. "Do you love him?"
"What-love who?" Albus asks confused about her random question.
"Nikoli,"she smiles as she pushes her cat off of her.
"I-I don't even know what love is,"Albus shrugs not really wanting to talk about Nikoli. He knew the answer but he didn't want to admit it.
Drinking her tea, Lucy waits a moment to educate him. She fixes the bow in her hair and then says,"do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?" Albus nods his head thinking of that terrible day. Lucy looks up at him and bites her lip slowly before saying,"that's what love feels like."

Albus strolls around the school after storming out of the room needing some air. He ends up finding himself in the field of wildflowers. A group of boys walk back from an unscheduled quidditch practice and, by the looks of them, Albus could tell that they were all from different houses.
"Holy shot!" Cried one of the boys loudly. Albus recognized the voice and looked behind him to make out Teddy's blue hair.
"Watch the language Teddy, what if a first year heard you talking like that?" Fred laughed a bit.
"What if a first year saw you blow up a broom closet?" Teddy asked with a smirk on his face.
"Not just any broom closet! The one directly next to Filches office!" Fred laughs wildly.
Albus hears Nikoli's contagious laugh and he suddenly turns around anxious to see him. His blond hair sticks to his tan face and he drags his broom behind with his quidditch pads still on.
Albus feels his stomach flip and anger rises into his body. He hears mumbling as the boys approach and he decides to confront them.
"You know you're awful selfish," Albus spits to Nikoli once he's close enough to hear him.
"Al," Nikoli tries to maneuver his way around him,"stop."
"After breaking my heart,"Albus pushes him back,"you manage to come back just...just to make sure it can't recover!"
Teddy, Fred, and James leave the scene after James tries to film it but, thankfully Teddy deleted the video.
"Al,"Nikoli takes Albus's hot hands and holds them tightly,"I..."
"Don't,"Albus breaks free of his right hold,"don't say I'm sorry."
"No...I,"Nikoli says not fully looking down. He fumbles with his fingers a bit before running his thumb over the opal bracelet.
"What?" Albus leaves his mouth open not expecting him to say that.
"I miss you,"Nikoli says confidently.
"No you don't,"Albus scoffs,"if you missed me you would've done something."
"Listen Al," Nikoli bites his lip as he watches Albus sway back and forth,"All I know is you're everywhere in every hour of my day,"he smiles a little as he tells Albus. "In a second or two I think of you and...I-I get lost so easily in the thought of your smile or-or in the memory of how your voice sounds like when you're happy..." he pauses. Al could see Nikoli's lip tremble and watches as his eyes glossed over. "I miss you,"Nikoli breathes as he lets his arms hang and his body hunch over.
Albus's anger suddenly diminishes and he slowly forms a smile on his face. Nikoli was glistening with sweat and his blue eyes shimmer in the sun.
"Nikoli," Albus breathes as he sits down in the field. "You can't protect me and that's okay. You're-you're no monster," Albus softly says.
"I hurt you before and I can do it again,"Nikoli protests, shaking his head and closing his eyes.
"That was my fault,"Albus answers. "I don't care that you're a werewolf," Albus takes a deep breath. "I love you."
Nikoli looked at him dumbfounded. "I don't know what to say," he whispers. He knew he wanted to tell him he loves him too because he does; he knows he does, he always has. But he couldn't stop thinking of how Albus could love the monster he is.
"It's okay,"Albus softly replies.
"Al how could...could you love-"
"I know what you are," Albus nods his head,"and I know what you're not."
Nikoli doesn't say anything as he lies his head in Albus's shoulder and picks at the grass. The cold autumn breeze swims through Albus's untidy hair and causes goosebumps to go down his back. Albus could stay here forever: in his favorite place with his favorite person.
Nikoli looked up at Albus and smiled. He could be wrapped in Albus's arms all day listening to his heart beat softly. He closed his eyes and the two boys sat there for a while in complete and utter silence. Albus plays with Nikoli's sandy blonde hair as he holds Nikoli tightly in his arms.
"Al?" Nikoli quietly says breaking the silence. "I love you too."
Albus smiles softly and kisses the top of his head. "I've got some chocolate frogs," Albus states. "We can watch The Shining and eat them?"
"I'd like that." Nikoli smiles.

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