Three shots were fired I stood there in shock my brother began to yell "Run Reign run!" As he took off in front of me I ran for my life with tears just running down from my eyes saying over and over "how could you Ty" I ran straight home bursting through the door seeing my dad watching tv with my baby brother and younger sister dropping to my knees in front of them crying "Reign what's wrong ??" He asked putting Caden down "They shot her daddy they killed mommy they killed her " I wailed on the ground my dad quickly called 911 and made all of us go to the car "Tell me where did she get shot at !" I kept crying showing him the way "where's your brother dammit ! " , "He took off" .
Reign ....
I woke up in my bedroom I felt so strange then I remembered what happened I jumped out of bed running downstairs no one was home I ran back to my room and called my dad
Dad where are you ??
Daddy 🐐💙: I'm at the funeral home with Zach sweetheart , Caden and McKenzie are at your aunt Diane's house , and I don't know about Ty .
Okay , I was just making sure
Daddy 🐐💙: I get it , but I'll be home sooner or later I love you
I love you too daddy .
(Hangs up)
I ran my fingers through my hair wondering what I was gonna do now first my mother is dead Ty is missing and I just don't know about anything right now I checked my phone was blown up with text messages I shook my head and dropped it on the couch going back upstairs hopping in the shower I just stood there and cried .
So , I'm Reign (Rain) Smith I'm 17 years old I live with my dad Dennis and my two younger siblings Caden he's the baby and he's 2 McKenzie she's 12 , Zach is 18 an Ty (Tyler) he's the oldest and 19 years old he's never actually home usually out there doing w.e he does we're half Hispanic and Black . So my mom got shot because me and her were going out looking for Ty and little did we know there was something going down with them and Ty when she was begging for them not to shoot Ty so they shot her instead in the heart three times.