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Stefs P.O.V

Callie's thin figure and curly brown hair comes out of the truck, her face flushed and streaked with tears, her expression bewildered.

She runs after the doctors as they wheel her into the hospital.

My breath catches. I grab her elbow, feeling her bones shift as she moves.

"Callie!" I yell, dragging her toward me and Lena.  She struggles against my grip.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" Lena chimes, her face radiating with anger and confusion.

"He stabbed her. He just stabbed her. Her father. Can you believe that? I mean," she pauses, a laugh escaping from her mouth. "what kind of person does that?" She laughs again, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "Maybe that's why he said we couldn't see her again. Cause we knew something was wrong when she came over to play with black eyes and bruises covering her arms. He knew that we knew what was going on, that's why he took her away."

"What? Callie explain. Now." I say, gripping her arm so tight I can see in her face that she almost winces.


Jude comes up from behind, listening to our conversation

"Her name is Emilia. We were neighbors when we were little, and practically inseparable . Jude and I used to call her our sister because she was so close to us. And he took her away. Because my parents questioned what happened to her eye." Her voice cracks, sending chills throughout my body. "Since I was eight, I thought she was dead. So do not ask, 'what has gotten in to me'. Emilia has. And now she doesn't have a family anymore. And if I were her, I wouldn't want to be all alone in a hospital bed with no one there rooting for me. I would want a family."

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