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Emilia's P.O.V 

He told them.

He told them.

"You knew!" I scream, my voice pulsing.

My hand flies into the direction of Jesus, then to Callie, Mariana, Brandon, and Jude. "You knew what it meant to me!" I scream, my voice radiating through the house.

"Emilia, they needed to know!" Jesus yells back.

But I'm not yelling.

Im screaming.

"You promised me!" I yell, feeling a fat tear fall down my face.

I shrug off the hand that was placed on my shoulder.

"You need help, Emilia.

You cant keep bottling up your feelings.

You're going to break."

"Im not going to break!" She screams back, her fist clenching. "Im already shattered!"

My head pounds, and I resist the urge to cough my lungs out, but I'm so riled up, I don't care.

I don't care anymore.

"Emilia, why are you making it such a big deal that we know? Don't you want help?" Lena prods, starting to get angry.

"I don't need help. I dint need anybody's help!" I hear my voice crack, and I'm not sure if it's the emotion or my lungs sucking, but my ribs start to hurt again, acting up as well as my lungs, starting a riot inside my chest.

"What is wrong with you? Where's the girl that first came into our home?" Stef states.

"Why don't you just get rid of me?" I fight, my ears ringing.

"We're not getting rid of you, Emilia!" Mariana says, supported by Callie.

Okay, now I'm really starting to hurt.

I scoff, turning on my heel to exit the room when someone grabs my elbow, turning me to face them.

"Emilia Adams-Foster, do not go out of that door." Stef says, practically fuming.

"Go to hell." I whisper, almost doubling over as I sprint out of the room.

The air hits me like a slap across the face, but I run.

And run.

And run.

Until I honestly dint know where I am anymore.

They can't love me.

Nobody will ever love me.


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