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Ernie: hello!

Everyone except Ernie and Leo: *Groan*

Leo: please give me a girlfriend

Ernie: fine

(Reyna appears)

Reyna: whoh, where am I?

Ernie: your here to get Leo a girlfriend

Reyna: you mean I'm going to be Leo's girlfriend?

Ernie: yep

Reyna: yesss! I've always loved you Leo!

(Reyna and Leo kiss)

Leo: that was easy

Ernie: hey, Reyna! Do you want to play truth or dare with us?

Reyna: sure!

Ernie: great! Now we are going to start to play a different way of truth or dare!

Ernie: I will spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to choose truth or dare!

Reyna: great

(Ernie spins the bottle)

Lands on Reyna!


Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hunger Games TRUTH OR DARE!!Where stories live. Discover now