Chapter 5 - Jade Box

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Hey guyz..!!!..this chapter is dedicated to @puja001..

For being the first person..who added my story to her reading list

- highly appreciated...:)


As I feel the texture of the box, I can tell that this is no ordinary box. This box is made from the finest jade, its so smooth and i know it worth several cities. This box alone can be measured as one of the great treasures.

I look meaningfully at Mu Jin. "I know the two of you are hiding something from me," my eyes observing her upcoming reaction.


"But I can tell. You dont have any ulterior motives towards me. You are the people that my mother left behind and I trusted you wholeheartedly..." I cut her answer.

No emotion can be detected from my face." I believe you have your own reasons, but"

I gaze at her trying to read the deepest part of her soul "I don't like waiting... "I said with a smile and order her to retreat.

Mu Jin is slightly in shock and there is a glint of admiration to her eye. But it instantly disappeared, calming herself.  "Nubi can solemnly swear our undying loyalty towards mistress, especially to big madam. Thanking mistress for the consideration." Her voice is resolute, with eyes full of respect towards the person in front of her.  Mu Jin then walks outside to accompany Jin Zan to guard their mistress courtyard.

After I see Mu Jin is outside.  I instantly open the jade box and I felt dumbfounded by what I see. This is much more than what I expected. A hundreds golden acupuncture needles.  I pick a single needle, amaze by how sharp it is. Even in modern days, nothing could be compared.

This is the finest acupuncture needles I have ever seen. No dust or rust can be seen. As if the jade box is preserving it's sharpness.

After i admired each of the golden needles, I can't help but to wonder the true identity of my mother. No ordinary family can easily obtain this kind of box made from jade.

And why would my mother prepared it beforehand?

Did she previously expect this event?

Even the two maids did not seem to be surprised or even confused. Why would someone like me, their mistress who is known as trash, be looking for an acupuncture needles?

There really is a big mystery...

Before I start the medication on my body; I sterilized all the golden needles on the candle flame. Just to avoid further infection. Then stick the needles on my vital areas and put more pressure at the most crucial parts of my body which are highly affected by the poison.

They dare to use this kind of poison?

It was just a childs toy. I can easily disperse the toxic within 10 minutes.

Acupuncture is my playground. In order to be acknowledged. I have studied all the information regarding this field. Since acupuncture is more convenient to me as an assassin especially in curing my so-called comrades on the battlefield.

Well, the past is the past. Im still fortunate to remember knowledge about my past life and I will certainly take advantage of it. I will used any means to trample all the people who wants me dead.

After 10 minutes..

Black blood is streaming from the vital areas that were infected by the poison. As soon the red blood flowed, I immediately take out all the acupuncture needles.

I finish cleaning all the blood and the acupuncture needles. I closed my eyes and deeply inhale. I immediately discover that the toxins were completely removed.

I rest for another 10 minutes, and decide to take a peek at my face
I saw my reflection. I can't help but be in shock of what I see...

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