Chapter 14 - Gossip

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As Su Qian Meng enter the Sedan..a creaking sound can be heard..but all the servant except for Mu Jin and Jin Zan ignore it and proceed with the procession..

But there is no complaint can be heard from Su Qian Meng but nobody noticed the cunning smile hidden inside the veil...

" An eldest miss is being wedded in a wangye...but the prime minister only prepared this old and worn out sedan for seems her so called family really cared for her..."..Su Qian Meng only laugh in herself..and there was no disappointment or pain can be seen in her eyes..but anticipation...

The procession was not grand...there were only small box of dowry can be seen..a ce fei wedding is more grander...if it was not for the red cloth covered the 8 person sedan wouldn't look like a future wangfei is being married..

The common people already knew about the wedding of the eldest miss of the prime minister with the mysterious 2nd duan wangye...

The reputation of the trash eldest miss is well known in the kingdom..her ugly face that could fright even a newborn baby..her shameful act , being no talent and no favor from her family..she is useless to her future husband..

" Such a pitiful woman..tsk tsk...the procession of a concubine is much grander.." of the common people gossip..

" Don't look!! was spread that her looks can give you a nightmare "..a middle aged woman said to her child..

Despite of the gossip that surrounds them..Jin Zan and Mu Jin walk side by side with a straight back with their head held high..

This lowly people doesn't deserve even a glance...they are ignorant of the true appearance of their mistress...

As they walk quite far from Su Manor..Su Qian Meng suddenly tapped the wood inside of the sedan to make a sound..

"Tap Tap Tap".

This is the signal that they are waiting for..

Jin Zan quietly trip the hem of the red cloth and instantly the sedan were broke into half..


The moment the sedan were broken..the wood was revealed to be was no longer advisable to be used to carry a should already be disposed..

any normal families can easily bought a new one...but a great prime minister dare to make her di eldest daughter to ride this worn out sedan...

This is too much....even the daughter is a shame or trash..a prime minister should follow the protocols made by the imperial family...a wangfei still deserved to be respected..and the sedan is walking to the wangfu..isn't this like slapping the duan wangye..

This prime minister will be fell from its graced..

The commoner who were criticising Su Qian Meng is now ridiculing the Su Manor..

"Mistress, dont be is not a bad omen..since this sedan is personally prepared by the personal steward by the prime minister....."..Mu Jin said with a voice of grief but her voice is loud..but her face is expressionless...

If it was from the personal servant of the master it only means that it is a direct order from it's master....

This was heard by all the common people and understand what is the situation inside the Su Manor...

They only now feel sympathy towards this eldest be neglected to this point. to be humiliated outside the fu...and all of this is plotted by her honorable father..which is the great prime minister of this dynasty..

This will be a big news...even the emperor can't do anything to cover up this mess...

They can only see a maiden being supported by her maids to go out from the broken sedan...

A woman who wear a fire red dress....contrast to her ivory jade like skin and her deep black as midnight an inexplicable feeling...

They can't help but be in daze..the woman handle herself gracefully..there is no complaint nor anxiety but calmness...

Is this the shameful eldest miss??...the only thing they can see is a noble woman.....

Her face was fully covered by a veil...but a little breeze reveal a flawless and finely crafted chin..

It only gives an urged to see what beauty is beneath that veil..

" Mistress, please allow nubi to return to the manor to ask for a new sedan"..Jin Zan ask..bowing respectfully to her mistress...

Su Qian Meng straighten her back and held her chin up..with a voice that is full of calmness and tender, " Meng - er doesn't want to disturb father..father is currently entertaining the highly officials..meng-er doesn't want to be an unfilial daughter.."..her voice full of one can detect the coldness hidden inside..

And as Su Qian Meng touch the edge of the broken sedan..," beside this is the sedan that prepared by father, meng-er doesn't have the heart to go back and ask for another...let us walk....meng-er doesn't want to be a burden...duan wangfu is a honorable part of imperial family..we can't waste to miss the auspicious time and bring shame to my father.."..her voice full of worry that gain adoration from all the listeners...

This soon to be wangfei is very filial towards her was a shame her father doesn't think highly of her ...and prepare an old sedan to humiliate her own daughter...

This daughter was ill treated...unfavor...have an ugly face but instead to care for her..he choose to neglect and abandon her...

What a pitiful woman...

This is the very idea Su Qian Meng want to imprint to all of this commoner...

This news would be a great impact to the matter how they want to dismiss the gossip..the commoner will never stop spreading it...

After all, gossip is like a CANCER...

The emperor needs the support of his people...he wouldn't dare to protect a single official to gain the ridicule of the many.

" I will slowly witness their destruction....I wouldn't miss anything...sooner or later..they will come crawling in front of me..."..i wickedly said to myself..

Su Qian Meng held the hand of Mu Jin and continue to walk toward the duan wangfu...

Her every step is an epitome of a noble lady..even her long wide red dress cannot conceal her elegant figure....

No one dare to obstruct her path...they can feel a suffocating aura around the eldest miss...

It seems the rumours are not true..."To see is to Believe"....


Noone noticed a two figures hiding at the corner..the person in the right are covered by a black robe with a stoic expression but his eyes contains shock and admiration..the other person is clad in a white robe with a golden thread and a dragon that gives a domanating aura..

"Master, this?...the black robed said kneeling in front of the man with a white robed...

After witnessing the shocking event, his master no longer wants him to continue his assigned task..

The white robed with his half face covered by a black mask gives a mystical feeling..but his beautiful eyes can't deny the interest and amusement hidden inside..

"No need, Benwang can see that woman is no ordinary..let's return.."......his voice as cold as snow..but very addictive...

The white robed man..cant help but chuckles.." looks like his information is wrong, no one noticed but he can see all the act that woman shown...even her maids are perfect in executing their seems her wangfei is a tiger in a sheep clothing....
."..his eyes full of anticipation..


YEHEY.....a long chapter...!!!..


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