Her story

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Dear Readers,

I already have an ending, there will be an asteroid that fell from the sky that cause the destruction of earth then "BOOM". THE END.

Hahahaha, but I take it back..I would slowly kill all my characters in a gruesome manner...😈😈😈😈...

Thank you to my readers especially to @AmieVang for immediate respond to my plea about checking out my cousin works..This chapter is for you...😘😘😘😘..

And Thank You to my 666 followers and 580k readers of this story...This work was started from a whim...when it reach 1k I was overwhelm that somehow my story caught the attention of some readers and this was also  a product of how much I adore chinese novels...

I am only an ordinary person but because there were people who never get tired to urge me to write and to those people who compliments me....I feel I become an extra ordinary person, and I also have a hidden talent to be proud of.... (charoot!!!)..😂😂😂😂



From afar the Chuxiu Palace where the favored Shu Gufei resides can only be describe in one word "Extravagant"

The walls is mostly covered by night pearls making it brilliant during night like diamonds reflecting the light coming from moon.

Largely different from the phoenix pavillion made for the late empress...the other gives off a luxurious aura while the other is nothing but elegance and majestic.

Eunuch Wei calmly make his way through the inner chamber of the palace. While all the servants respectfully bow towards the personal servant of the emperor, every action should be careful and meticulous.

Eunuch Wei directly bow and indifferently recite  the edict of the emperor, " This servant is here to collect the phoenix seal ordered by the heavenly one."

Shu Gufei expressionless face greeted the Eunuch, not bothering to respond nor to ask for the head steward to stand straight.

"Eunuch Wei how many years do you know this Gufei?" Her plain voice cover up the emotion lying in each word.

"Your lady, the phoenix seal?" Eunuch Wei calmly ask again, doesn't dare to move from his current posture.

Shu Gufei could no longer endure her rage, "TO HELL WITH THE PHOENIX SEAL!ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Her thunderous voice brings shudder to all her servants, for all those years their mistress always have a calm face  never reveal her worst temperament.

She quickly throw the jade tea cup in the direction of Eunuch Wei but he effortlessly dodge the in coming danger.

Shu Gufei sneer, she knew that this head steward was not only his personal servant but also one of his elite shadow guards. He was always beside the emperor as early as she remembers, after all  the three of them grew up together.

Her face instantly recovers giving her warmth smile, "forgive this noble concubine for her rudeness, this will be avoided if you only give the right response."

The personal maid of Shu Gufei immediately order the servants to leave the inner chamber.

"We've known each other for...30 years together with the emperor. We play together, study together and create mischief together. When does it starting to change? Then one day,her name was the only thing I can hear from him, his smile is because of her and the reason of his laughter is her."

"He made her the empress while I become his concubine. I have been with him at his worst time of his life also to his most glorious time.But why?" Her calm face is beginning to change, some tears are silently flowing from her eyes.

"Because of her son, he made use of my daughter. Her reputation is nothing compared to the absence of her son to the banquet." She mockingly smile, "Fetch your master to get the phoenix seal personally, I painstakingly help him to govern his inner palace, arrange the young and beautiful concubines and balancing the power of Harem for so MANY YEARS."

Eunuch Wei silently stand, gazing at the woman whom he greatly know. The simple and innocent girl from the past can no longer be seen. She was always looking at the back of the emperor with adoration forgetting the fact that there was a boy who also looking at her beautiful smile.

Eunuch Wei can only painfully smile, they  are adults now and choose their own different paths. There are some words that should better be left unsaid.

He return his indifferent face and respectfully bow and leave to report to the emperor.

Outside of the Chuxiu Palace, Head Steward Wei stop, and take a look at the luxurious walls however, his gaze is for not the luminous pearls but to the mistress of the palace inside. If he can, he would also ask "Why him?". He can only shake his head and continue to walk. There are some things that cannot be force and change. He who was born to serve the emperor and live without his own choice. Fate is truly bitter.


I really like to cry while writing this chapter for Shu Gufei. Well I want for all my readers to understand my evil characters, because I believe there is no one who is born to be evil....so maybe I will write some background story from my other characters...


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