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"Mommy look!" A little girl squealed. She wore a white dress reaching up to her knees, and had no shoes on as she said it was to feel the grass tickle her feet. She had the biggest smile and her small hands were holding a bouquet of yellow lilies and tulips.

She ran up to her mother who was sitting on the porch of their old wooden house, gazing at the rows of houses lined up on the other side of the street. The mother laughed which sounded like an angel. She reached out and hoisted the little girl on her lap. 

The girl gave her mom the flowers and her mom smiled taking them from her tiny hands. The mother was about to speak but was interrupted by a man in black walking down the street towards their house. 

" Laura" the mother whispered in her ear. " Go inside and run out the back door. Now." She said narrowing her eyes at the man.

"Mommy," said the little girl clutching her mother's shirt "what's going on? I don't wanna leave momma." She said tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Fear clearly visible on her mom's face. She had never seen her mom so scared before.

She looked at her daughter and smiled. "You have to be brave." 

The mother quickly got up and placed the little girl inside."Now run and don't look back, no matter what happens."

The mother closed the door quickly as the man had approached the porch. The little girl didn't move. She was too scared. She witnessed her mother arguing with the man at the top of her lungs through the little crack in the door.

"You will not take her!" she heard her mother yell. She didn't catch the the other words for they started to whisper-talk. The man pulled a metal thing and pointed it at her mother.  " ...over my dead body." She heard her mother sneer.


The door creaked open revealing the scene.Her mother's blood lay splattered everywhere from the wall to the floor. The flowers that were once yellow were now red with blood. Her mother was faced down in front of the black man. Her face went pale and she felt sick. She screamed at the sight causing the man to face her and smile wickedly. 

"There you are." He said slowly approaching her with her mother's blood splattered on him. He laughed looking at the frightened girl. 

"You're coming with me."

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