author notes (REALLY IMPORTANT!!!)

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Sorry guys!!! Don't hate me! It's just I had to and I'll explain!

Okay so I'm not going to write a 2nd part for this book only because there's no second part to write really! I've thought about what I'll wanted to base the second part on but it's just not working! And I don't want to add on the the first! Like it's just going to make the story worst! So I'm going to leave it like that.

But! I'm going to write shorts! Maybe once a month or more idk depending. I just don't want to disappoint you guys and I'm really sorry!

No I'm not going to post a short after this but i will post one on sunday or earlier or later so don't worry. But while you wait i recommend that you guys go check out my other books! (Shameless advertising)

Anyway! I'm so sorry guys and I hope you don't hate me for this! I'll try to think about new ideas and see if I could actually make a part 2 but in the meantime, I'll just make shorts and update my other books! Sorry guys And Thank You To The People That Don't Hate Me! I really appreciate it! And thank you to the people that have been reading my books from the start and haven't left and still do! I love you all!!!❤






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