Chapter 1

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My stomach did somersaults as I exited the airplane at L.A.X. With my carry-on bag in hand, I walked through the very busy airport. There were people coming in and out of the gates of the airport,  and some were hugging their loved ones, while I was looking around anxiously for some family that my social worker set up for me to stay with.

Well let me explain. My name is Abigail Clemines and I am 17 years old. I used to live in New York and went to a private all-girls school. I am an only child and always have been one. I saw my own parents, that I didn't have that good of a relationship with, get killed right in front of my eyes.

I don't have any close family and I am basically the only Clemines left. I got put in the care of a social worker and apparently, my guardians are some family, who I have never met before, might I add. Now here I am, all the way across the country,  dont have a clue in the world where I am, in an airport, looking for a family I have never even heard of.

I started looking around for this so called family, when someone from behind me called my name, "Abigail?" I turned around to see a middle-aged woman with some pearls around her neck. "Oh Abigail! It's been ages," the lady says, and I am consumed into an awkward, bone crushing hug.

"Uhm. Hi," I said awkwardly,  patting my hands in her back.

"Oh sweetie, your parents were great people and didn't deserve what happened to them. I am not going to say I am sorry for your loss, because I am sure that you have heard enough of that one the past two weeks," she said, her eyes were tearing up. "But I want you to be able to feel comfortable in my home, with my family."

"I happen to know that you didn't have the best relationship with your parents,  but they did love you very much, despite how much they showed it."

And those were the words that caused me to break down crying, in front of everybody, in an airport. Reality had finally came crashing down on me. My parents were gone, not going on their usual business trips, but gone and not coming back, kind of gone.

Whoever this lady was, was rubbing her hands over my back soothingly. "Shh, it's okay, Abby." I pulled away from her, nodding and wiping away my tears.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking or anything, which are you?"

"Oh, silly me. Sorry, dear. I'm Michelle Miller." Why did that name sound so familiar? "I am a childhood friend of your mother's and I also used to babysit you when you were younger." Ahh, now I remember who she is.

I nodded at her and she said, "Well let's go get you home now to meet the family."

"Do you have a kid?" I asked curiously.  It would be cool to have just at least one other sibling while I live with this family.

"Oh honey, I don't have a kid," Michelle said laughing, I raised my eyebrows at her. "I have twelve."

And that my friends, is how I embarrassed myself for the second time in that airport, when I fainted.


I groaned as I opened my eyes, feeling a slight ache in my head. In front of me I saw a doctor and I was laying on the ground. I sat up in confusion, then remembered everything.

My parents. The airport. California. Michelle. And her twelve kids. Just the thought made me groan again.

"Well, she seems to be fine now," The doctor in front of me said, standing up from his crouched position. "But have her take it a little easy, and she will have a small headache for awhile."

Michelle nodded and helped me up from my uncomfortable position on the ground. I got a little dizzy and grabbed my head, while Michelle helped me stand up right.

I grabbed two of my suitcases and Michelle got the rest of them. I. can. not. believe. I. fainted.

After we got in the car, we sat in a comfortable silence for about an hour, on our way to San Diego, before Michelle started to speak.

"Well Abby, would you like to hear about the family before you meet them?" She asked and I just nodded, mumbling a 'sure'.

This is what she told me:

Cade Miller. 22 years old. Graduated from Stanford university. Engaged to his girlfriend from junior high, and has a daughter.

Cole Miller. 21 years old. Is a senior in college and is attending California university, living on his own.

Jace Miller. 20 years old. Doesn't attend college. Lives a party lifestyle.

Seth Miller. 19 years old. Attends a local college part time.

Justin Miller. 19 years old. He was adopted at the age of 3. Likes to keep to himself. Dropped out of college, half a year into it.

Mason Miller. 18 years old. A senior in high school and likes to play baseball.

Katey Miller. 17 years old. Junior in high school. Is a cheerleader and is twins with Carter.

Carter Miller. 17 years old. Junior in high school. Is a big football jock.

Hunter Miller. 15 years old. Freshman in high school and is in the drama club.

Wesley Miller. 14 years old. Is in eighth grade, plays baseball and basketball, and is a big flirt.

Sophie Miller. 5 years old. She is the family's little princess and gets away with anything.

And then last but not least, (Finally).

Wyatt Miller. 2 years old. He is shy around everybody, and a little honey.

I believe she failed to mention when we first met, that she had 10 boys!

As we made our way up the drive way, I couldn't help but stare in awe at the sight of the Millers' house. I mean my family was rich, we just didn't live in this big of a house. I guess having 12 kids, then this size of a house, makes sense.

"Ready to meet the family, Abby?" Michelle asked, and I nervously nodded my head. Even though it was a complete lie.

Because when the whole Millers' family came out the doors of the big, white house, I knew I was in trouble.

I was living with a couple of girls that were beautiful and cute, and a bunch of guys that looked like they came straight from an Abercrombie catalogue.

Oh Lord, help me.



Well readers! I just want you to know that this is the first story I have ever written before and it may not be the best but I'll try! If you like this story I would appreciate votes and comments. Also tell your friends about it! This is not edited!! Oh and on the side is a picture of Abigail Clemines(:

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