Chapter 6

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"From the top!"

I groaned, but got back into my starting position. The team was practicing our routine for the football game tonight. Let's just say that Coach was really pushing us.

She hit the play button and we all started doing our routine to the song Fancy by Iggy Azalea.

After we finally perfected the dance routine, we all went to the locker room to change out of our sweaty clothes.

"So, the game starts at 7, but I want you all to get here at 6:30 to run through the routine again." Katey said. "Then we'll preform that at halftime."

All the girls nodded, than left the locker room. I walked out with Katey and we met Carter by the car.

"Hey girlfriend," He said, walking over to me and pecking me on the lips.

I smiled and ignored the butterflies that fluttered through my stomach. "Hey boyfriend."

Katey gagged and climbed into the backseat. "Okay, gross.. That's enough, let's go now."

I laughed and slid into the passenger seat while Carter got into the drivers side and started the car. We drove to the Miller's house, listening to music and talking.

We pulled up to the front and Carter parked the car, handing the keys to John.

"Abby," Michelle greeted me with a smile. "How was dance practice?"

I smiled at her. "It was good."

"Well I'm glad you found something to keep you busy." She said, than turned to Carter. "What time are you heading out?"

Carter checked his phone. "I'll probably leave in a half hour. We're eating at Matt's before the game at 5."

She nodded and went back to the kitchen. I jogged up the stairs, Carter following me to my room. I dropped my dance bag by my desk and plopped down onto my bed. Carter shut the door and sat down next to me.

He leaned in towards me and whispered, "Finally."

I giggled and leaned forwards, connecting my lips with his. Our lips moved slowly together in sync, but passionate. We kissed for at least five minutes, before Carter pulled away.

He leaned his forehead against mine and smiled. "And that will never get old."

I smiled back, and pecked his lips again. "Never."

He lied back onto my bed, pulling me down onto his chest. He fiddled with my fingers and we just sat together in silence.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you.. Would my beautiful girlfriend like to wear my jersey?" He asked.

I lifted my head from his chest and met his eyes. "She would love to."

Carter grinned at me. "Good, I will be right back."

He got up from underneath me and left my room, but came back minutes later with his away jersey. Carter tossed it at me and I caught it.

He checked his phone again and walked over to me. "I better get going.. I'll see you later, Abs."

He leaned down for one more kiss, than walked out of my room. I sighed happily, and walked across the hallway to Katey's room. I knocked and when I heard her say come in, I opened up the door.

Katey was sitting in front of her mirror, curling her hair. She looked in the mirror and when she saw that it was me, she set her curling wand down.

"Hey, Abby. What's up?"

I looked around her room, examining it, since it was the first time I have been in here for the two weeks I have lived here. "What are we supposed to wear?" I asked.

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