Chapter 7

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Today is Sunday. It has been exactly one month since I have moved in with the Miller family.. Also meaning that I have been dating Carter for about 3 weeks. I have come to like him even more if that is possible.

At the moment, I am sitting on the couch in the theater room, yes you heard right, they have a theater room, with Carter, Mason, and Seth. We are watching 21 Jump Street and let me tell you something, Channing Tatum is going to be my future husband one day. Like damn, I'd tap that.

Carter and I are curled up on one of the couches together. He played with my fingers as we watched the movie and Mason and Seth lounged on the other couch.

John and Michelle took Soph, Wesley and Wyatt to stay at Cade's while they went out, Katey was over at Isaac's, Hunter was at his play rehearsal, Jace was most likely partying and Justin was... Well doing whatever Justin does.

"Abby, go make some popcorn." Mason said, yawning on the other couch.

I was going to stand up, but Carter pulled me back down. "Do it yourself, dumbass."

Mason pondered it for a second. "You know, I'm not actually that hungry anymore."

I laughed and settled back in next to Carter. Seth unpaused the movie and we continued watching it.

About halfway through, the tv went black and the lights went off. The power was out.

"Damn storm.." Seth muttered.

My heart immediately began to pick up. Okay, let's get one thing clear. I don't do the dark. It sounds like some childish fear, but even at night as long as I have a light just from my alarm clock, I'm satisfied. But at this very moment it was pitch black.

I moved in closer to Carter and squeezed his hand.

"Hey, are you okay?" Carter whispered into my ear.

Not being able to get any words out, as I was having a slight panic attack, I just gave him a small nod, even though he probably wouldn't see it.

"I'm gonna go get some flashlights quick. This is normal for California, Abby. Don't worry, it happens whenever there is a heavy storm." Mason said.

I heard footsteps walking in the opposite direction from me and I assumed that it was Mason getting up to go get the flashlights.

"Carter?" I said quietly.

"Yes Abby?"

"How long is the power normally out for?" I asked, trying to disguise the panic in my voice.

I felt Carter shrug. "It depends on how long and heavy the storm is. I'm gonna guess a couple of hours."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Are you sure you are okay, Abs?" He asked with worry in his voice.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."


A few minutes later I heard someone walking back in and tried to see who it was but my eyes still hadn't adjusted to the darkness.

"What the hell happened?" A deep voice asked.

Justin. Well I guess he had been home all along.

"The power went out." I said, rolling my eyes. "Obviously, idiot."

"Get your girlfriend to shut up, Carter." He said and I could practically feel his glare on me.

"Justin, grow up." Carter said.

Then Seth joined in the conversation. "All of you need to grow up. Carter go check on Mason, he's taking forever. I'm going to go get blankets. Justin, Abby, try not to rip off each other's heads please. Thanks."

Carter lifted me off of him and stood up, walking out of the room, along with Seth, which left Justin and I alone.

There was a crash of thunder and I jumped, the noise scaring me.


I jumped again at Justin's voice who had seemingly gotten closer to me.

"S-Shut up. I'm not scared of thunder." I said.

He laughed. "Then what? The dark?"

I froze and he laughed more. "You're seriously afraid of the dark?"

The memories of that night flashed through my mind. The darkness. The storm. The man. My parents.

I felt my eyes getting wet and quickly wiped them. "You know Justin, you can seriously be a real dick."

"And that's supposed to offend me?" He asked.

"You don't know me, okay? I tried being nice to you but you kind of ruined that. Don't judge, especially when you don't know the whole story." I said in a bitter voice.

"Whatever." Justin mumbled.

A flash light shined over my face and I thanked god when I saw that Carter and Mason found the flashlights.

"Every thing good in here?" Carter asked glancing between me and Justin.

I nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine."

A few minutes later, Seth came into the room with a bunch of blankets.

"Wait, what exactly are the blankets for?" I asked, curiosity in my voice.

Carter walked towards me and handed me a pillow and blanket. "Whenever storms happen we all sleep down here."

I raised my eyebrows. "Uh, why?"

He shrugged. "Because its what we always have done."

I just nodded and left it at that.

Carter lied down his pillow and blankets in front of the couch and I put mine down next to his. Seth and Mason claimed their spots on the other side of Carter and left Justin to find his spot.

He shined the flashlight across the room to find a spot and the only open spot was next to me.

I groaned and Justin shook his. "No. There is no way in hell I am sleeping next to her."

"Ditto." I muttered.

"Justin, lay your ass down and go to sleep." Seth said.

He threw his pillow and blanket down next to me and I rolled closer to Carter so I wouldn't be as close to Justin.

Carter wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my forehead.

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to force myself into sleep.

And eventually, I did.



Oh my gosh guys! I am so sorry!

I haven't updated in forever on this story and honestly, I have had a major writer's block and I didn't know how to continue the chapter that I had started so I decided to just leave the chapter as is and post it for y'all.

This is the shortest chapter I have written, but like I said, major writer's block.

Thanks for understanding.

Oh and if you have the time or interest go ahead and check out my other book called Our Little Miracle. I update frequently on that story!

Vote. Comment. Fan. ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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