Over Again.

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Prim's P.O.V
Where the hell am I? Why can't I open my eyes? Why can't I move? My wrist aches for attention but I can't see it or move it or touch it.
"Hey..." Says a soft, broken, familiar voice. Harry?
"Sir. The doors are closing in a little while. The hospital won't allow any visitors in or out. So if you're going to leave, go now." There's another person in the room.

"Okay. I'll leave soon." Harry replies then a door closes.
Harry!! Wake me up! I have to leave too! Why are we at the hospital? Who are we visiting?
Or... Or am I the patient?
"Hey Prim. I doubt you can ever hear me right now. Duh. You're unconscious."
No Harry! No, I can hear you!
I want I scream to him. Why can't I?
"I just want to tell you that I care about you more than you think."
Well, I didn't think you cared at all Harry.
"I feel like this is all my fault. Maybe if I wouldn't have cheated on you, you wouldn't have ever cut yourself. But no. I cheated and now you're in the hospital."
Now I want to crawl to him and hug him. It's not your fault Harry. No, there's no one else I can blame but myself.

"Prim. When I opened the door to your bedroom, I thought I lost you. For good. I still could, I mean you cut way to deep in to your veins, you could die at any seconds. But I don't want that to happen. I can't let you go without telling you how sorry I am.  I want to go back three years, before we were famous. I just want to start over again Primrose Addison."
I wish I could cry. Right now would be the perfect time to cry. But I just can't.
My heart beats slow, like its slowing down but Harry's words make it speed up.
C'mon Prim. Why can't I wake up?
"You look so pretty when you sleep." I hear him laugh a little. I feel his strong hand wrap around my wrist, his thumb rests on the bandages over the cuts. 
"Primrose.." I think he's crying. I hope he isn't. He shouldn't cry over me. "Why would you- how could you do this to yourself?How could you do this to your beautiful, perfect, talented, beautiful self?"

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