What is Love?

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"So, let me get this straight. You saw Archie kiss some random girl and you're now depressed about it, given your feelings about him and his lack of reciprocation. Well, nothing new there. And now you want me to help you win him over because he should be with you. Okay. I feel like I got all the points. Or am I mixing it up with what happened all the other times? 'Cause, correct me if I'm wrong, by all means."

Betty tapped her wrist, frowning as she did so.
"When you put it that way, you make me sound so desperate."

"Sorry, Betts, but you kinda are. Archie too. You both are so desperate to have someone that you blind yourselves to everybody else who could ever love and be loved by you. You need to widen your focus," he sighed, before continuing, "You can either have a shallow lake or a deep pond. Betty, I wish I could tell you 'go for it. He's your soulmate', but I can't. Archie and you share the trait of loving the wrong people too much, or each other at the wrong times. I just don't know how I can help you with that...I'm sorry...I just don't know...."

A look of resignation was upon Betty's face, and Jughead trailed off. He didn't get this lovey-dovey stuff, so why try and explain it. He would do more harm than good. Jughead wished he could, truly, for his lack of wanting such things caused him to be even more of an outcast. He watched his friends pair off, break up, reconnect and fall apart again and again.

 It was liking watching a sport, something he also had disinterest in. He supported them in victory and defeat, rooted for them in each match, but in the end, he was on the sidelines, a spectator alone on the bleachers. To have one of the players to ask for his help was surprising. It was, to use a different metaphor, like a scientist asking a child to cure cancer. But Jughead, no matter his inexperience, would never pass the chance to help a friend, his loyal nature not allowing him to do otherwise.

"So," Jughead murmured," what do you want me to do?"

"You're actually going to help me?" Betty exclaimed, baffled.

"What kind of person would I be if I didn't."

Betty beamed liked the sun.
"Oh, thank you. Thank you so much."

"Yeah, yeah. But you owe me a ton of burgers."

"Oh, yeah, of course."

Jughead let an actual smile tug at his lips. Maybe this would work out for him. With his current situation, he would do anything to have a steady supply of food. He didn't want Betty's sympathy though, so he knew he would have to make it look like this bargain was based only on his love of food, not his lack of it.

"Okay. Deal. So, what do you want to me to do exactly?"

Betty bit her lip.
"Umm, I don't know actually....."

Jughead gave her a judging look before proceeding.
"Well, then, you and I need to make a plan."

"Yeah, " she agreed rather quickly, "That sounds good. Can we go to your house to do it though? I don't want Archie to show up while we're planning. That'd be awkward."

Jughead kept his face still as fear flooded his body, his chest tightening at her words. He managed to keep his voice steady as he spoke, smothering his dark emotions with an insouciant tone.
"Nah. Your house is closer. We can head there."

Betty smiled enthusiastically.
"Okay. Let's go."

Plan 'Bet Together' - A Riverdale FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now