Our Bleeding Hearts

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The ladder was where it always was, propped up against the Betty's window. It's paint was flaking in places, remnants of the natural wood showing through. Jughead lay a hand on it, feeling the textures under his fingers. He turned his head upwards to Betty's window. He breathed in a deeply before he ventured up the ageing ladder, hearing it creak with each step.

He reached the top, peering in. The room was empty, the blond haired girl not present within it's confines. He stood on the top of the ladder for a few minutes, seeing if any change would occur.

Jughead sighed, ready to admit defeat and try again later, when he saw her walk into the room. She didn't notice him as she sat in front of her mirror, her head plunking into her hands. She stared at her own reflection, a resigned look on her face. She murmured sadly.
"Why do I always fall for the wrong boys?"

Jughead winced. Evidently this wasn't the time. She wouldn't have got over him in a day, even if she knew why he had rejected her. Jughead berated himself on his own idiocy to think she'd be that fickle to be content with it so shortly after the event.

He began to scuttle down the ladder, but as he rushed down the ladder, his foot slipped on a rung and he fell, landing on the ground heavily, his left arm taking the brunt of the fall. He groaned at the spike of pain he felt. It didn't feel broken. He knew what that felt like. Nevertheless, it hurt immensely, and he lay there pathetically as he tried not to cry from the pain.

He heard a clicking sound from above, and he tilted his head upwards. Betty was looking down at him with a confused frown.
"Jughead? What are you doing here? And why are you on the ground."

"Just enjoying your lawn and all," he call out in a strained voice. He said it in good humour, hoping to break the tension.

Betty smiled in mild amusement. Jughead got up off the ground, flinching at the lingering pain caused by the fall, especially in his left arm. It hurt most, and he couldn't hide the whimper that escaped him from Betty, who he heard gasp audibly.
"Oh my gosh, Juggie, your arm!"

Jughead looked to his arm, grimacing at the raw skin and the blood that stained it. It looked pretty bad, to put it lightly. Betty called down to him in a stern voice.
"Go to the front door. I'll be there in a minute."

Jughead followed her instructions, and wandered to the front door. When she opened it, she had a first aid kit in her hand.
"Come on. Let me look at that."

He trailed behind her into the kitchen, seating himself onto one of the chairs. She sat beside him, opening the box and taking out some bandages. She began to wind it around his arm silently. Jughead flinched at the pressure of the bandages, but said nothing.

She continued winding, but her mind was obviously somewhere else, because she applied a little too much pressure. Jughead managed to withstand it for a while, but when she pulled at the bandage tightly, he let out hiss of pain. Betty looked up frantically.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Jughead watched as she seemed to realise the heaviness of her own words, and a shadow came over her face, her head bowed and her hands falling into her lap. She looked so small, and her words came out soft.
"I'm sorry for everything."

Jughead grabbed her arm with his own unharmed one, causing her to raise her head and look from it to his face with an expression of sadness. Jughead sighed.
"Betty. Please don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong."

Betty let out a trembling breath.
"I did, though. I used you for my own desires. You just wanted to help me. Because that's just how you are, Jughead. And I'm sorry if I've ruined our friendship. I don't want to lose you to this. But if that's what you want, I won't stop you. I-"

"Hey, hey, Betty. Stop," Jughead interrupted, "I'm not going anywhere. You shouldn't think I'm going to leave just because you kissed me. I don't want you to cry over me. Because I'm really not worth it."

Betty frowned at his bitter tone.
"Jughead, you think too lowly of yourself."

"And you think too highly of me. Let's just say we both treat ourselves better." He let out a dark chuckle.

She sighed, and let herself smile.
"Yeah, I guess.....I'm still sorry I kissed you."

"Was it that bad?" Jughead said quietly in mock hurt.

She laughed, slapping his uninjured arm playfully.
"You know what I mean."

"Yeah. And I'm sorry that I pushed you."

She shrugged casually.
"No harm done. Speaking of harm, let me finish wrapping your arm."

"Not too tight this time, please. I'm a fragile human being," he said dramatically.

"Sure you are. Just stay still."

"You lack bedside manner, Betts. Heck, Archie at least grabs me a water."

"Don't push it, Jughead."

Jughead hummed in amusement. Things were back to the way they were. Banter and Betty were things he associated together, and he couldn't have one without the other. He was happy he didn't have to say goodbye to this.

She was nearly finished when Jughead spoke up again.
"You know, Archie has a crush on you."

Betty looked up in surprise.

Jughead nodded.
"So, if you want, I can be your wing-man again. Just promise there'll be no kissing this time round. We wouldn't want Archie getting jealous, now would we."

Betty laughed, her smile bright.
"Alright, Jughead. I promise."

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