Here with you

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Wazzup my cupcakes any way sorry for not updating my parents forgot to pay the dam wifi and they didn't pay until now so sorry and enjoy while I still have wifi :(

Ty pov (to be clear this is the morning after the party)

I got up and heard a humming Jason in the kitchen. "Hi Jason" I yawned. "Good morning and how was that kiss between you and Adam. He wiggled his eyebrows. I blushed and said "amazing !" I sat down and ate me waffles.( to be clear I intended to write me waffles so ya)

Adam pov

I was at my house just thinking about what happen yesterday. Jut then Dawn came walking in I could she that she was having a mood swing. She yelled "GET OUT OF My HOUSE I HATE YOU ADAM!!!!" surprisingly it didn't sting . "fine." I said calm. She watched me put on my shoes get my phone, the charger, and my wallet and walk out the house. I walked for a while until I started texted

Ty (t-Ty a-Adam)



T: watcha doing

A:walking to a hotel :(



T:oh I'm sorry

A:it's ok you had nothing to do with it

T: come stay at my place!!!!!

A:I don't want to be a bother

T:it's fine now get your ass over here!!!>:(

A:ok ok calm down yeez be there in ten

T: Kk

A: byyyyye!!

T:see ya later ye haw

I laughed at Ty trying to be a cowboy. Well now I have an excuse to see Ty. I smiled and walked to his house. When I got there I knocked and hear Ty running and screaming "he's here here's here he's here!!!!" I smiled and hear what seemed to be metal pans fall. Then I hear Jason yell " AHHH Fuck its so hot dam it now the rice is everywhere!!!" I knocked again and "say are you alright?" "ya where fi-" I heard Ty trip. He then came opened the door and said "Fine just fine." he sounded calm. I smiled at him. I tried to hug him but I think he waxed the floors because I walked in and slipped sending me crashing into Ty's lips..... For a bit he stayed in shocked but then kissed back. I could feel a smile on his face and I swear I saw tears fall from his face. At the corner of my I could see Jason smiling like he was fan girl he basically squealed when I let go of Ty I blushed crazy red. Before I could say anything Ty's phone and I heard his ringtone for who knows who it sounded like this

I'm friend with the monsters inside of my

my bed get along with the voices inside

of my head your trying to save me stop

holding your breath.

I didn't hear the rest because Ty picked it up I listened to Ty but I couldn't make out the conversation. "What's up girlfriend !" Ty yelled like he was a chick I guess he was talking to one because he put her on speaker and I heard a female voice

(T-Ty ?-mystery girl)

T:your speaker stupid speak up now


T-stop having a spas attack and speak

?-Im FLYING to La yippee weee

T-Oh my hamster do not stay in a hotel your staying at my house got it frost queen!

?-I can't wait to see you again lord of cheese !

T:we swore we wouldn't speak of that frost queen.

?-oh my hamster got da run or ill be late to my flight see ya there ps babe ill be at The Fly High airport so see ya

T:Kk see ya there

?:askmehowmydaywas bbbbbbyyyyyyeeee

He hung up and he screamed with happiness he started to jump in down he then said "oh no room mess AHHH !!!!" He ran out but before he could he slipped and landed on a pan. I was confused that the girl called him babe. It made me want to hurl!

Ty pov

Oh my hamster Jackmine is coming oh my hamster I can't wait for her to come I looked threw my closet to see what I can where to impress her. I put on a plain blue shirt with jeans and my red snickers. I grabbed my sweater that she sowed for me and send. It was green and yellow in the back it had a butter minecraft sword with a blue diamond sword under the images it said Skylox in fancy letters.

I grabbed my keys and grabbed Jason and Adam by the wrists. I saw Adam blush at the words written on my sweater."Like my sweater Adam". " ya it's interesting " We drove to the airport . When we got there I saw Jackmine on her phone her long Snow White hair was left down her icy blue eyes where concentrating on her phone. I couldn't take I missed her so much I snuck behind her and ......

Cliff hanger hahahahahahaahhahahahaha

Ok see yal later Ok have a wonderful magical super fantastic day my cupcakes!!! :D

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