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4 moths later

Hermonie pov

I still​ cannot get over the fact that Harry and I are twins and that we are both connected to some royalty was still trying to find out more about that plus I'm also. A direct descendant from Merlin there's more to find out about that I suppose but it's just hard to believe I will be some stirring to find out more and now I know this was for my safety and everything while I was in the other world but we need to know more about it

Service: are you ok my love

Hermione: yes I'm find babe

Service: taking everything you are getting closer to your due date and all when it comes to having the babies baby you can have them any day now poppy told you to be careful

Hermonie: don't worry so much about me babe and yes I know that I can have any day now

And just say something else how's my water had broken had broken and that mean the babies are on .There way

Hermione: how are you just told me that Poppy said the babies can come any day now my water just broke I think you're going to have to get me to her service baby because I'm in a lot of pain

Service: let's get yoy poppy right now because you are going to need it 

And with that we head of to poppy because my babies are coming


Ginny pov

I was sitting around doing some things that I needed to do and everything like that and I'm not supposed to have the twins for another month but all of a sudden my water broke I'm going to labor early

Harry : babe what is wrong

Ginny : my water has broke I think I'm going into labor early you're going to have to get me to Poppy

And with that Harry to me to poppy and when we got there we saw that Hermione was and she was gone the labor to looks like Poppy's going to have her work cut out for her trying to help us


Poppy pov

I couldn't believe it I was in the hospital with one all of a sudden I had to end up going to deliver babies for both Hermione and Ginny this is definitely going to be something very busy I cannot believe it looks like I'm going to have a very busy day it's a good thing I have a couple of assistance because those babies are going to be coming in like crazy

Poppy: okay it's a good thing there's a few assistants here that are trained and medical to and I have to have one work with one of you girls because I can't be both with you

Hermonie: we know poppy

And with that I had  Lana start to work with Ginny because she only have 2 and I thought that would be an easier one for her to do and I was working with Hermione it's going to be hard but it's a good thing that I'm able to help them have these babies without no problems


Harry pov

My wife and sister Gone labor at the same time and then I just remembered I am some type of royalty and so was my sister does this mean that our babies going to have Royal heritage

And it a good thing that both me and services are we can for our wives right now and it's a good thing that we have other teachers covering our classes because this is where we need to be and I mean that there and labor labor for god sakes

Service: wow I don't think we saw this Harry that are wives going into labor so quickly and at the same time so in your case you ever going to come a dad and uncle at the very same time

Harry : and it the because you're going to be an uncle by marriage where you're married to my sister remember so it looks like this is a double whammy for the both of us LOL

All me and services could do was to try to keep ourselves and good spirits so we can help at our way this is hard to believe that at one time we thought we were going to hate each other for the rest of our lives and then everything changed as we got older and after the war we found out more about the man that we call our professor but there's more to the man than me know when a looks like everything is falling into place hopefully

Ginny : Harry get your butt over here and see the two babies they're born come and see your son and daughter right now before I put my put my foot up your butt

Harry : Yes dear I'd rather that than have your foot on my butt LOL

I could not take my eyes off my beautiful children I am married to the most beautiful witch and I have two amazing kids and now I'm about to be an uncle as well can life get any better

Service POV

I was wondering when my babies would be here and if all 4 of them would be ok and it trun out to be a very good thing . because as I was wondering that Hermione told me to come and see

Hermonie: hay babe come and see are kids two sons and two daughters as well I am definitely looking forward to meeting them and everything and spending the rest of my life with you and them and working here through a new and I'm exhausted

Service: I sleep baby you're going to need it after all you just gave birth

Poppy: yes I think it's best  for Hermonie and Ginny to get some sleep right and it a good thing because there both so tired and I think you guys should get some sleep too and love the Babies  rest  as well it be a very long day for you all

We know that she was right so that's what we did her to believe that we have children now where did the time go service you're getting old LOL

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