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Hermonie pov

It was the weekend and I was tending to my babies and that was a good thing because.they all wanted there mummy and daddy took us a bit too get the and nice because I love when me and service and the babies can be a family and I would do anything to keep my  kids safe

Service : they look so tried my love maybe we should put are babies to bed and​ have some time for ourselves and that would be really good

Hermonie: yes because we have been busy lately it nice to get a bit of time for ourselves and I love you

Service: I love you babe and you know I'll doing and anything that I can to help you and it nice just to have sometime for ourselves which we don't get much of lately

Hermonie: ya I know that you are right about that and it a good thing that where soon going to need  have a break over the summer months and it be nice to stay at the house taht in your family as family for the summer and . That would be a really good thing if you ask me

Service: that waht I was thinking about we should do in the summer months because I love you and are kids and it will be nice and taht we come back when we need to teach for other year and it night that there are palces to put the kids and stuff why we are here

Hermonie: yes but we will talk more about the summer months when the time comes because we still need to get thought the rest of this school year and .I'm so looking forward to having just some alone time with right now why the kids are asleep babe and that a good thing

And he pulled me into is loving Embrace to show me how much you love me and that where we stayed in each other arms reading and sitting in front of the friepacle and that as always. been one of mind and services favorite things to be doing  and that makes me happy having my babe to myself when I need him

Service: babe your cold do you need another balket

Hermonie: ya that would be geart babe I love you

Service: I love you too babe but we will be ok about we go to bed and I hold you under the blanket to make sure that your ok and warm

Hermonie: that would be geart but babe maybe we can have a bit more fun if you know what I mean because we have not made love in awhile and I would love to feel my husband it just taht we been busy the last few weeks

Service : you know I like that idea much better babe so come on let me show you how much I love and need and want you to

Service POV

As soon as Hermonie said that she wanted me to make love to her taht what. I am going to do  because I know that she needs this and so do I

Warning sexual content

I  picked her up and carried her to are bedroom .Where I lay her. I later down on the bed and I start to kiss down her breast and work my way nice and slow right down to her hot wet Center where I ate her out nice and slow

Hermonie: babe that feeling so good don't stop I need that and I. Love you service

Service: babe you taste to good for me to stop I need to taste the sweet nectar that is between your legs

Hermonie: babe it feeling to good if you keep that up I might just cum right here and now .But I don't want taht I need you insdie of me now babe and that a really good thing  babe

As soon as my beautiful wife said that I pushed right inside her cuz I'm next thing I know I have to trust and Trust right quick because I knew that she was going to be loving every minute of it and the next thing I know the more I pushed inside her in the both going to be coming over the edge .

Hermonie: babe I can hold back much longr and I know that im going to be cumming fast and hard

Service: then let it go babe take all of my dick inside of you and cum with me

And we both let it go

Hermione: that was so good babe  thanks I need that I. Love you

Service: I love you too babe and I did it as well why don't we get some sleep and enjoy having the weekend off and just focus on your children are the weekend and that because the next thing you know we will be back to dealing with the students for the rest of the week I think it's time to just have time is the family for the weekend and figure out what your Royal Origins as well because if you have  it going to mean that are kids do. As well and that is a good thing

Hermonie : I love you so much. And I happy that. You will do anything for me babe and that makes good sent  and I'm so thankful that we found love with​ each other babe

Service: and I'm am to babe because you gave me something that I thought I could never have and now I'm happy taht I have you when need babe  so let's sleep

And with that I watch my wife get to sleep and it because of Hermonie and are kids that . I feel ourselves hole and I'll do anything for here and my kids because of my wife I have a lot more to live for and that .Is what I'm going to be doing and with that thought in mind I went to sleep with the Love of my life

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