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Hermione POV

I thought that today was good just to sit around with my kids and service since it a lone weekend.and know that bellatrix's is going to try and us a time trun to bring back the dark lord .And we need to be ready to make sure her plan is not going to work. And I'm happy that I have all of these people taht is going be helping me and my my brother .All of my life until know I thought that I was just . A nothing going for her and then I find out that I am magical and I start going to Hogwarts and then I find out eventually years after everything then me and the chosen one or twins takes a lot to know when you letting things about your Origins and there's definitely a lot more stuff to me trying to figure out but I know .That I would not change anything that .As happen in my life right now .

And as soon as I knew what was going on with everything in my life and I was all going to help me the woman that I am today   .But it just seems to keep making me stronger but sometimes I'm wondering if I am able to go up against bellatrix's because this must be done  . I just hope taht I face her and not have everything that as been happening come my way

Service: what going on inside that head of yours

Hermione: just thinking and wondering if I'm going to be strong enough to go up against Bellatrix when you go back to the past I just want to know if I'm able to face her again after everything that she put me through

Servius : don't worry so much because I'm going to be and so is everyone else and that what matters we are doing this a team and it not always easy

And I know that service was right about everything that he just said with that we thought it was best to stay and spend the day with their children and everything cuz there's so much to deal with and I just wanted to be able to raise them in a world where we don't have to deal with Bellatrix's or anything like that again to tell him for us to be able to push for it and then I have to go all the way back and stop Bellatrix and everything it's not always easy when you're dealing with want to take over the world because they think it's what they're supposed to be doing no way are we about to let anything happen to the people of the day we beat the darklord once before and we'll do it again

And with that thought in mind after I had but my kids down for a nap I know . that there something way more to deal. With it all  so I started to work on. Some kind of plan to be ready for when. The time comes because we need .make it look like we don't know how we show up and maybe make it look like  . Bellatrix's as the uper hand but when .We she thinks see one we can make are move boring siding her before anything happens that stuff might work blind signing her before anything happens that stuff might work

Service: okay I can tell that you have a little plan going in that head of yours what is it that you're thinking of my little know-it-all

Hermione: may that do show up when she goes to make her move we can act like we didn't even know what we were doing and he'll pick up there like something might just happen and pulled us there cuz of something she did with the time Turner she doesn't know that we came there on purpose and when she thinks she's has the upper hand that's when we move in and let's just say she will be stopped before you know it like I said we did leave the dark lord and everything once before we do not need his sources  and everything trying to bring him back no way we're definitely going to make sure we're on top of all this

Service; and you are so right about that babe now are we have that much your plans figured out I am one to let you know that I have all the potions and everything that might help with everything too so we will not be getting to your nightmares much anymore and when she connects to you and everything and he she will not sense that you know that she's coming and stuff and stuff will come quite and handy make your plan work more

Hermione: that is so one of the reasons why I love you so much it is great being married to a potion master or knows everything but one thing for sure I love with you for who you are and everything but that definitely comes in handy LOL

And with that that me and services took it easy for the rest of the day and I'm .hopeing that my brother and everyone else is ready for what we need to do and later I think it would be really great if we all went  over a paln to make are move and have all Arrangements that we're going to need for the plan to be in set because if we want to make it work we're going to have to make sure there is not one thing out of place I just hope right now then my brother is having a nice day because right now we know is the Calm before the storm

hopeing that my brother and everyone else is ready for what we need to do and later I think it would be really great if we all went  over a paln to make are move and have all Arrangements that we're going to need for the plan to be in set because ...

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Harry POV
Right now me and Ginny are just take it easy with are kids because we need .To be ready for when the time comes to go back in time to stop Bellatrix from bringing about the dark lord I know one thing it's not going to be easy it's a good thing my sister is the smartest Witch of her age because she could always come up with a good plan and I bet you today that she's working on a plan and children to buy a call later on when the time is right because like that I have a feeling that this could be the Calm before the storm and she's probably thinking the same thing sometimes that's not always easy being the chosen one for anything

Ginny : hay you seem like you're thinking quite hard there about something are you okay baby

Harry : yeah just thinking about what's going to happen when we go back in time to stop be I watch bellatrix's and everything that I do not want to have to go up against the damn dark lord again

Ginny : we all thought that we were done with stuff like that but time to put a stop to it once and for all and everything the war was over we wanted to we don't need them trying to start it over again and everything like that for you on the have to be on our toes when the time is right but it's a good thing we can just focus on our family and everything after getting you back from work and we can figure out how we're going to pull things out when the time comes because right now for some reason Beatrix is in prison and her sister Bellatrix is laying low so there's definitely something going on for sure

Harry: you're absolutely right about that and I need you to know no matter what happens I love you so much. Everything we need to do it or anything I just thought you need to know that I'm always going to love you

Ginny: and the same goes for me

I just hope taht me and sister and everything and everyone will stop bellatrix's before it to late

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