Chapter 5 - 'Holy mother of pearl!'

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Chapter 5 - 'Holy mother of pearl!'

Ah Monday, the day that makes me want to smack somebody.

I groaned a bit before throwing my legs of the bed, followed by my entire body. Just so you know it doesn't feel good to fly face first off the bed.

After a good five minutes of laying on the ground, I trudged my way over to the dresser and picked out an outfit.

I picked out a long blue maternity dress with a black cardigan and some slip ons. As I examined myself in the mirror, I did poses and winks.

"Wow your pretty conceited," I turned around and of course Brady was leaning up against the door frame.

"Says the guy who spends more time than me in the bathroom!" I flashed him a look and returned to my mirror.

I bought my hands up to my and attempted to pop some pimples. Getting acne while pregnant really sucks, it's way worse then before.

I reached for my makeup bag and covered up most of the pimples, I looked back and found that Brady had left.

He sure is quiet.

I grabbed my messenger bag and left to go downstairs, as usual Claire was in the kitchen making her delicious home cooked meals.

"I'm making crepes today, so it should be quick." I smiled at her, she is always kind to me and I gave her nothing in return. I'll make sure to get her a thank you gift.

"Thanks Claire, you're the best!"

She returned the smile and continued making the mouth-watering food. As she made a couple more crepes I pulled out my phone and checked my Facebook.

I had two new messages in my inbox.

Julia: Where are you!? It's your turn to carpool!

I quickly typed a reply giving details about my current situation. She answered with an okay and I slipped my phone back in my bag.

I saw that the other message was from Ian, but I simply ignored it.

Me and Brady were basically a thing,so I should probably let Ian know that we can only hang out as friends.

Claire have me my plate of crepes and I ate them, when I finished I picked up my bag and walked out the door. We got in the car and drove to school, it was quiet as usual but it was a comfortable silence.

I got out the car once we arrived, Brady was ahead of me so he held the door open.

I guess chilvary isn't dead...

I kissed a cheek and continued walking with Brady beside me. Eyes were instantly on us as we walked hand in hand down the hall.

Once we reached our locker - his is next to mine, don't ask how he managed to get it - I instantly felt Brady tense up. I followed gaze and tensed up as well, there stood Amber in all her bitchyness.

"Brady step away from the whore, she's super contagious." I honestly didn't care, she could talk about me for all I care. However Brady looked like he was ready to slap some sense in her.

"Just ignore her." I entwined pir fingers and he relaxed a bit.

"I don't know why you like her. She and her baby are a nusciance, I bet her baby is going to end up like her. A pregnant whore." Thing just got personal.

I walked up her and punched her in her face followed by another punch and an uppercut. I grabbed her and slammed it against the floor before continuing my punches.

Brady grabbed my arms and attempted to pull me off, but there was no way in hell I was going to stop beating the living shit out of her.

"Don't you ever talk about my baby again, talk about me all you want but don't talk about her. And I don't want to hear you criticise me! Your the one whoring around not me!" With one last punch her hands fell to the ground, I got off her and wiped my bloody hands on her jacket.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to pay for her hospital bill.... and dry cleaning. I grabbed my bag and sprinted out the building.

Brady called my name and told me to calm now, but I kept running that is until he grabbed my waist and pulled be back.

He sure is fast.

He turned me around and pulled him into his chest, I shuddered before breaking into a full on cry.

"H-How... d-dare.. she t-talk about our child!?" He rubbed my back and whispered soothing words to me.

He pricked me up bridal style, "Go to sleep." at his command the darkness pulled me into a dream.


"Ah poor Gracie," I opened my eyes and noticed something damp was on my head.

I reached up and touched it, a cold wet towel was sitting on my forehead to keep me cool.

"Oh goody your awake!" Claire walked in the room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"What happened?" I stretched my hands over my head and yawned a little bit.

"Well it started when you beat the crap out of Amber, then you ran off and Brady bought you here." I frowned as the memories came rushing back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start the fight but she called my baby a nuisance."

"Its okay, you snapped and I understand." She kissed me on my forehead and told me to lay back down.

I closed my eyes and thought about my near future.

In about six months I'll be a mom. I'll be a mom! Holy mother of pearl! I-

"What are you thinking about?" Brady stood at my door with a curious expression.

"I'll be a mom!" Happy tears flooded my eyes as I realized it.

"I'm going to be a mom!" I started jumping on my knee's.

Brady laughed at my excitement and brushed my bangs back.

"Your so beautiful, especially when you smile." he cupped my cheek and stared into my blue eyes.

"Brady-" he cut my off with a sweet kiss. His kiss alone made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I put my hands on his chest and he bit my lip asking for entrance. I grant him access and soon our tongues fought for dominance.

We pulled back and caught our breath. "Wow," he pushed me back down on the bed.

"You should get some sleep," he kissed my cheek and left me in my room awestrucked.


Well I lost my internet for a few days, because of the move but its back now!

So did you like the chapter? *wink*

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