Another Chance

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I never thought in my whole entire life, that would give my heart to someone. Then out of the blue, I have it torn into pieces and stomped on into oblivion. It all started with my ex Roman Reigns. I loved him with all my heart that I actually gave him every single part of me. He was my first love and like they, you never get over your first love. I met Roman will I was in NXT trying to become a WWE diva. Roman was so sweet and he was the most sexiest men I have seen. to make a long story short, we hooked up and no one could keep us a part from one another. One night I happen to be out with some of the other rookies in NXT and  when I came back to his house he started arguing with me and I couldn't take so I ended it with him and left.

(Ashley POV)

I finally made to the WWE! It was finally coming true for me. I have been with the this company for 3 years now. I had a match against Layla in a rematch to win the divas title.

Lillian: This match is for the diva championship! on her way to the ring, Ashley!

It ft so good to hear all of the cheers that I was receiving from the crowd. They loved me. I ran down and slid into the ring waiting for my opponent Layla. Finally her music played and she came into the ring and she shook my hand and the match was on. We tore each other a part and she kicked me in my gut I fell over. She pinned me 1...2... and I kick out. I got up gave her a DDT and she was on the mat. I got on the top rope and I flipped and landed on her 1...2...3. I won the the divas title! She got up and shook my hand. Then she left and all of a sudden I hear the music that wasn't mine. I looked in the audience and seen three men walking down the stairs and they surrounded the ring. They got o the apron and got into the ring. I tried to run but I got pulled by my hair. "Who do you think you are huh?" I feel something hit me from behind in my back. I got up and ran towards the short one and I ended up getting speared. I was in so much pain it felt like I couldn't move. I happen to open my eyes and I happened to see my ex Roman Reigns hovering over me. His hair covered our faces.

Roman: Ashley?

I didnt even move from that spot. Then the one with blonde and black in his hair and the short one pulled him off of me. I crawled into a corner and rolled out of the ring. I got up and ran to the back. How can this be? What is Roman doing here?

I went to the locker room with my belt and went to take a shower. I got dressed and I left the arena to the hotel. when I got to the hotel, I checked in and I went up to my room. When I got in the room, I noticed there were two rooms. I got in the shower and got dressed for bed and went to go sit on the couch to watch tv. then I hear the door open. to my surprise, it was no other than Roman Reigns himself.

Roman: Ashley is that you?

Ashley: Roman, why are you in my room?

Roman: This my room too I guess.

He wouldn't stop looking at me and so I was heading to bed. He grabbed my hand and I snatched my hand back. He looked at me with confusion.

Ashley: What do you want Roman?

Roman: Can we talk?

Ashley: Talk about what? What is there to talk about Roman?

Roman: We can talk about what happened tonight on Raw. I didnt know that was you I'm so sorry. I honestly didnt know that was you.

He looked like he meant it, but I don't know. He came up to me but I moved.

Roman: Ashley.

I went in my room and I closed the door. I sat in bed and just cried. I didnt understand why I couldn't get over him sooner.

(Roman's POV)

I stood by her door and I heard her sniffling. I put my hand on the door handle but then I stopped. I figured she was crying because of me so I left her alone. I looked at the time and it was 11:20. I took out my phone and I decided to call Dean.

Roman: Hey what room are you in?

Dean: Hey in room 315, why what's up?

Roman: I need to talk to you and Seth.

Dean: oh okay we are still up.

We hung up the phone and I went up to their room. I got in the elevator and I made my way up to the third floor. I knocked on the door and Seth opened it.

Seth: Yo what's up?

Roman: I can't believe that I have to be in the room with my ex girlfriend.

Dean: who is your ex Roman?

Roman: The girl that we attacked tonight. Her name is Ashley.

Both Dean and Seth looked at me. they couldn't believe it.

Seth: Do u care about her bro?

I couldn't look at them. I kept my head down, trying to avoid the question.

Dean: Roman! Do you care about Ashley?

Roman: I never thought I actually loved her back then but seeing her again, made me realize that I miss her and I really do miss her.

I just broke down and cried. I never cried in front of them but a real man isn't afraid to cry especially if it's about the girl that you love.

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