Chapter 1: First day of school

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Peachy and Picturey's P.O.V

......My name is Peachy Olyn , i am A little girly and love meeting new people, Until I went to high school.. The name was yander high ... I have a little Sister.. Picturey Diane, I Loved her very very much! I didn't want to loss my only sister...
My name is Picturey Diane and I am a shy little girl but i am an very happy girl!

It all started like this in the first day of school...

Peachy's P.O.V

So it was morning 3:00am and my sister decided to wake me up at that time...
"WAKE UP SISTER!!!!!!" She said shouting like there was some kind of disaster that happened
"UGH WHY THIS EARLY ITS.. Wait what time is it?"
"Um..... Oh heheehe its 3:00am"
"WHAT?! you had to.."
".... Its ok.... Now i can't really sleep"
"Um why not take a shower and prepare ourselves so we can do our own stuff for awhile and wait for mom and dad!"
"Um..sure i guess..."
We took our shower and head on down stairs... We waited for awhile until it was 5:30 .. Thats when mom wakes up on school days..
"*yawn* oh,good morning sweethearts! Seems your already ready for school! What time did you wake up?" Mom asked with her messy hair
"What? Oh.... Thats...not really good for your health is it? Well your awake now i can't do anything about it so.. Yeah.. Do you want to go to school now?"
"But its so early.. Its 5:37" i said
"But early right?"
"We haven't eaten"
"Oh right know theres cereal in the cabinet in the kitchen"
We both ate some cereal and talkes about maybe what would happen in our first day of School...
It was now 6:30 and we heard foot steps of dad rushing down the stairs
"Ok! I'm ready ... Let me eat some cereal and leave ok?"
"Ok.." Me and Picturey said
Dad ate and after that we left home to school and dad went to his work
I always wonder what Mom does at home.. Probably some cleaning..

Picturey's P.O.V
Eeekk~ i was so excited! I almost fainted!!
It smelled horrible in this car but that didn't stop my excitement!
"We're here!" Dad said
"That was quick.. We could have just walked here"
"Its a walking distance.. But you two need to get use to come here from home and from this school too home.. And next week i'll allow you both to go by yourself"
Peachy and I got out of the car and dad left to work..
The school was EXTREMELY BIG well for me.. Since i'm such a shorty, I got a little frightened from the school.. And started thinking bad thoughts.. Like .. Theres probably alot of bullies .. I'm going to fail so much grades/tests... I'm not going to make friends at all.. An questions pop uo my head ... Will i fail my test? Would i get bullied? Why is the name called yandere high? Is there a yandere? Will i get killed? Is this school good for Peachy and me? Something like that...
But i should think bright! I shouldn't think bad...............
We went in the school it was 6:57 and there were quite alot of students..
We looked around the place.. It was really really REALLY BIG like i said before ..

Peachy's P.O.V

I can see that Picturey was a bit frightened but i'm sure she'll be fine...we walked around and "bummed" into this guy..
"Um.. Hi i'm Paintbrush.. You can call me PB if you'd like, i'm guessing you two are new here saying i haven't seen you two around here before"
"Yes... We're new.. And we're looking for the principal office" i said
"Oh the way i'm one of the volunters to help all the freshmens.."
"Oh ok.."
"Follow me i'll show you where the principal office is.."
We both Followed Paintbrush to the Principal office
"So.. Why is the school called Yandere high?" I asked
"It was called like that for some reason.. I don't really know.. But since 2 years ago.. Theres a explanation.. Theres about  1 yandere around this school... Two years ago.. The yandere killed about 50 students.. Just because she wanted to be with her "senpai" and last year there was 100 students that died"
"WHAT?!" Both me and Picturey got startled
"Yeah.. I know its hard to believe but its very true.."
"When does school start exactly?" I asked
"8:00 ... 6:30 is when they open the school 7:00 is when a stampede of students come in ... and 8:00 is when school starts ... we have to be at the hall at 7:45"
"well were here.. Call me if you need me" PB said giving he's number and leaving to the hall
Yeah what PB said is really hard to believe
Picturey and me went in the Principal office and saw her sitting on her chair.. she seemed afraid.. i guess she knowz about the yandere on the loss ,too
"oh hello! you must be one of the new student,I am Principal Skyla.. and this is Vice principal sky.. my brother.. twin brother" principal Skyla said
"Oh... i'm Peachy Olyn and this is my sister Picturey Diane"
"oh yes i've heard of you.. well here is your locker number your schedule Paper and a map for the school.. theres alot of complaining of how big the school is so i made a map for each student..." Principal Skyla said Giving all the things to us
"thank you"
"no problem.... Go ahead to the Hall... You'll find a hall full of students..."
"ok thanks!" Both Picturey and Me said leaving the room, but we saw alot of students lining up to the principal office.. Wait its almost time to go to the hall though.. Why is there alot of students here now? Well PB did said 7:00 is a "stampede" of students

Paintbrush's P.O.V

Probably saying those things was a bad idea.. Their Happiness probably went from 100 to 30 ...
I went into the hall and went to the right , thats where the "Old" students are and on the left are the newbies..
I sat down beside Lightbulb or i call her Cute cookie lady she eats cookies all the time ... seriously
"Hey LB"
"oh hi Paintbrush! have you met any freshmens?"
"yeah.. Picturey and Peachy"
"oh ok i'm guessing they're girls"
LB said Taking a cookie out of her bag
"isn't it not allowed to eat here?"
"yeah but the school hasn't started soooo i'll eat my cookie.."
"Uh... ok..."

Lightbulb's P.O.V

I know i'm a cookie lover! Yeah-huh cookies are life cookies are everything! not everything literally but yeah.. I EAT THIS COOKIE NOW!
its pretty terrifying seeing alot of students but i don't really care.. even though if more students come ,maybe more yandere is just right there ...

Picturey's P.O.V

i'm so scared i can't even concentrate on what i'm doing..
well Peachy and I went to the hall..theres so much students... when i saw them...I cringed a bit ...
"woah thats alot of students....why not sit over there thats a spot from the newbie place" I said
"sure.." peachy said looking like thats the worst spot possible..
It was incredible noisy... well besides that,Principal Skyla and Vice Principal Sky..came up the stage and gave everyones Attention with a loud Wailing sound of the Microphone..
"ATTENTION STUDENTS!! You may know that its the new year of this school! and there is a total of 200 new students in this school... that alot if you ask me,So i will be calling out your section area's for the Freshmens! The other students which has been here for awhile will be in the same section! there are a total of 5 Sections for you all... so let me and Vice Principal Sky" Principal Skyla said calling out the students up the stage for the section area's
To bad i wasn't at the same section as my sister.. shes in section 3 ,i'm in section 5 .. we'll now i feel much more scared... i don't think i would make friends easily without my sister...
I walked to Section 5 and saw multiple students.. i'm probably the shortest saying i'm a shorty
"Hello students! i am Mr.Mepad i will be your teacher in this section .. Go ahead and pick out your partners!"
Oh gosh well this is going to be harder then i thought.. all of them are probably done partnering with someone.. I guess i'll just wait if someone would Come to me and ask to partner with them..
well actually a girl that come up to me
"Uh.. Hi there! i'm Lightbulb,Do you have a partner? well i don't really see someone with you so i'm guessing not.. so want to be my partner?"
"um... yeah sure i'm not with anyone else..."
"Um... whats your name?"
"i-i'm *voice softens* Picturey..."
"what was that?"
"uh i can't get that right"
"Picturey! ......."
"uh.... ok-wait Picturey? Have you met someone named Paintbrush?"
"Oh he was talking about you a ...i mean like i asked him if you have seen other freshmens... Not like that he Likes you CUS I WON'T LET HIM-- n-not that i like him.."
"....... You like him don't you?"
"ugh.. fine yes i like him ALOT"
"ahaha don't worry My mouth is shut for that" I said 
"no worries"

" Ok it seems as if you all have your partners.. Your partner will sit next to you in class so if you want to change again just let me know I'll Think about it "  Mr.Mepad is sooo Nice I like him Glad I have a good teacher .. but probably at some time he would be very strick..

Everyone headed to their class and intruduced themselves and had some fun since it was the first day of school!


Sorry for taking so long but don't worry Picturey and Peachy aren't the main characters

Credit to BFDIclass52 For helping think of names XD

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