Chapter 5: Meeting Jonathan

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*Your Point Of View*

You open your eyes and you see white. A ceiling, you look to your right, a wall. You look to your left a bedroom. You are 24 and the last thing you can remember is that black thing eating you.

You get up from the bed and sit their, head spinning. You end up sitting their for about 10 minuets before your eyes fully adjust. You look around, the carpet was an off white color and the walls were pink with a solid white outlining. The sheets were white as well. There was a window by the edge of the bed on that wall. It was covered by a thin white sheet so the light could stilll shine through. There were pink flowers lining the window sill and the room overall was beautiful.

You attempted to stand but fell back down to the bed again. You shake it off and look forward, seeing a white door that you assumed lead outside to the rest of the house. You tried opening it but it was locked and since you didn't know who's house you were in, you didn't want to break down the door or anything. 'Wait...what if this is Heaven or something?' you questioned.

You sat back down on the bed staring at the ground and occasionally looking at the door. You felt fine, as if someone had been taking care of you, but how long has it been? You had noticed you were older but hadn't fully processed it yet. 'I'm probably like, 20 or something' you thought. Someone really must have been taking care of you, you weren't hungry and everything concerning you seemed to be fine.

About 30 minuets pass, just you and your thoughts. Then the door open and you see a man's head poke in, he seemed familiar. "Hey (Y/N)" he spoke and fully entered the room. You noticed he tried shutting the door behind him rather quickly so you couldn't see what was behind him as he entered.

You looked at him with no reply as questions were rushing throughout your mind. "Remember that boy that stood next to you in line when you were young?" he questioned you. You nodded. "That's me! My name's Jonathan!" he said with a smile. You got up and jumped into his arms. "I thought I would never see anyone again" you said with a couple tears in your eyes.

You pulled your head back to look at his face and see how his face had matured her the years. About 30 seconds had passed and you attempted to get out of his grasp, signaling to him that it was getting awkward. He then leaned in at an attempt to kiss you but you declined and got out of his grasp.

"What are you doing Jonathan? And where are we?" you asked him with a confused expression plastered on your face. "What am I doing?" he responded,"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to kiss the person your dating? Is this some kind of prank (Y/N) or is it your memory loss again?"

"My memory loss? Wait...were dating? I hardly know you!" you said. "You know me well enough to kiss me I know that for sure. And yes my dear you have memory loss, remember that one weird girl?" he said,"Oh what's her name..." he said quieter, pondering with his hand on his chin. "Noodle." he said glancing up to you to see your reaction.

Your eyes widened at the sound of her name, with so many other unanswered questions you decided to discard them because Noodle was now the only thing on your mind. You looked into his eyes,"Where is she?" you asked. "I just met her today for the first time in years!" he responded,"Well let's go see her! Surly you know where she lives right?" you asked with a smile at the thought of seeing her face again.

"Darling that light that is coming through the window is artificial light, it's about 11:00 at night, I doubt she's up at this time." he says as you put your head down. "But! I did tell her that I'd come by her house tomorrow." he lied. You smiled and rushed to the bed. "Well goodnight!" you said trying to get out of the weird situation you were in. All you wanted to do was see Noodle the next day but you knew that there was something defiantly off about Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled at your silly act and came up to the bed. "I know you have memory loss but you couldn't have forgotten the goodnight kisses you would give me every night." he says bending down to your level and dramatically flushing his eyelashes at you sweetly.

'What do I do in this situation?' You questioned yourself

What would you really do in this situation? Comment and maybe your response will be in the next chapter.

Also Shoutout to wellfuckyouto for following (Love Your Username By The Way. No Joke...I Kind Of What It)

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