Chapter 9: How Did You Get Here??

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^^^^Some Moosic is up dere for you^^^^

You suddenly felt the arms hugging you get pulled from you, ruining the moment.

Russel let go of your shoulders and looked behind you. From his facial expression, he seemed to be a bit taken back as to why Murdoc was forced to stop hugging you. You turned around and Jonathan was standing between you and Murdoc,'Someone's Jealous' you thought.

You looked to Murdoc, his mouth was wide open in shock. Jonathan turned to you,"Let's get some Ice Cream, yeah?" he asked then forcefully locked arms with you and pulled you towards the shop. As you were being lead by Jonathan you turned to get a final glimpse of the band as you entered the shop.

All four band members had the words 'What The F***?' plastered in their facial expressions. You turned back to look into the shop and as you took your first steps in, you felt the cool breeze of the shops A.C. hit your face. The door shut and Jonathan looked down to meet eyes with you. "Go sit down, i'll get you some ice cream." he said with a smile.

You found a table of 6 and sat down as the band entered, they looked around and 2-D met eyes with you. He walked over and sat across from you and smiled at you with his missing teeth showing,"Haha, Cute" you said. 2-D blushed and Murdoc turned his head over to you and 2-D as he heard your laugh. Murdoc walked over to the table and sat next to you, Noodle and Russel followed.

Russel sat next to 2-D as Noodle sat to the other side of you. "Aren't you gonna get Ice Cream?" you asked Noodle. Noodle shook her head,"We didn't come here for that, we came here to see you!" she said with a smile. You hugged her and asked about the rest of the day. "'Ey I 'ave a great Idea!" Murdoc said,"Maybe we can 'ave (Y/N) and Jonny come over for da night, Yeah?" Noodle sprang up with joy. "That's a great Idea Mudz!!" Noodle almost yelled.

You stood up and Jonathan came up to the table and handed you your favorite Ice Cream in a little white cup with a white spoon. "What's going on?" he asked,"The band wants us to stay the night!" you said excited. "I don't know..." Jonathan said with doubt,"Oh come on man. Let the girls see each other!" Russel said as he stood up with intimidation. "Fine." Jonathan said roughly.

The other band members stood up and you ran around the table, set your Ice Cream down, and gave Russel a big hug. "Thanks Russ." you whispered in his ear. He let go of your figure and smiled at you. Noodle ran over to you and grabbed your arm. "Let's Go!!" she yelled and ran out of the shop with you to the Stylo. She lead you into the back seat and she realized she could only fit 5 people in the Stylo. "Looks like Jonathan is gonna have to walk." Noodle said in Japanese.

The other band members came out of the shop, Murdoc sat to the right of you and 2-D sat to the left. Russel sat in the passenger and from the back seat through the windshield you could see Noodle sliding across the front of the car to get to the drivers side. As Noodle got in, shut the door, and started up the car, you could see a black figure approach the car from the outside.

The figure knocked on the car door and Russel sighed, rolling down his window. It was just Jonathan..."I'D rather have (Y/N) come with me." Jonthan said to Russel. You could feel the sad energy from Russ. Before anything else could be said Noodle lightly stepped on the gas and the Stylo made a loud growl. "WHAT?!?!" Noodle shouted over the engine,"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

You were dying of laughter in your mind, you knew there was no way Noodle was gonna let you go. Jonathan opened his mouth to speak but Noodle had beat him to it. "YOU KNOW WHAT???? NEVER MIND, WE WILL MEET YOU AT THE HOUSE!!" She shouted and the Stylo started to roll out of the parking lot. As the Stylo pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street everyone was laughing. You turned to see Jonathan standing in the parking lot.

"Don't worry (Y/N)." Noodle started,"Your coming home with us and you will never have to see him again! did you end up with him in the first place?" she asked you. You explained to them the entire story of what you remember so far. "So dat Jonathan guy jus' said he was yer boyfriend? Do you like Im?" 2-D asked. "Ewwwwww No! I don't even know him!" you said disgusted. "Thats good" Noodle said,"Now we can have you forever, right Russ?" she asked.

"What ever you want" he responded to Noodle. "Yay!' Noodle shouted and the car swerved. Everyone laughed at the movement of the Stylo and Noodles reaction.

~~Bout 5 Minuets later~~

Noodle was still driving with soft music playing on the radio, Russel was looking out of his window, 2-D was looking out his window, Murdoc was looking out his window, and you were looking straight ahead between the two seats in front. Your hands were in your lap and you were listening to the music peacefully when you felt something on your thigh.

You looked down to find a hand, you followed the hand up to the arm, and followed the arm up to the face. Murdoc licked his lips and watched you, he rubbed his hand up and down your thigh waiting for a good reaction that could possibly get him laid tonight.

You moved you leg away from his hand and accidentally hit 2-D, you stared Murdoc down and showed him your favorite finger. Sure you liked him but come can't right now, this day was crazy enough (and this story isn't Murdoc X Reader, i'm so sorry Murdoc lovers!!).

~~Bout 10 Minuets later (9:00 PM)~~

You feel the Stylo come to a gentle stop and the inside car lights turn on. Yourself as well as the rest of the band groan at the sudden brightness and start to move. Everyone exits the vehicle and stretches. You all start to walk to the apartment and Noodle beats everyone to the door. She opens it and Russel flops onto the couch and falls asleep. Noodle shuts the door and offers you bedtime cloths, you agree and start to walk down the hallway with Noodle and the 2 boys to your separate bedrooms.


All four of you hear the door bell go off, you all turn around and walk back to the front door. You, Murdoc, and 2-D stay back as Noodle approaches the door. Russel sits up on the couch to look at the door.

Noodle opens the door and you immediately start to question yourself. 'How did Jonathan get here??'

Shoutout to some more of my new followers, Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!

snowylass, xXTobyLovesYouXx, KatarinaPerovic, and Shadowdragonpup

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