Chapter 10: I See Another Me

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Noodle opens the door and you immediately start to question yourself. 'How did Jonathan get here??'

"Hey!" Jonathan greets with a smile,"I'm here!" Noodle steps back from the open front door with shock. Jonathan smiles and enters the house, he steps past Noodle in order to get to you. Once he is in front of you he leans down and kisses your head, turns back around to Noodle, and asks where you and himself were sleeping.

Noodle shut the door and kept a calm face,"We don't have any extra beds so I guess you two will have to sleep on the couch." you could tell she was trying to play it cool, no one knew what Jonathan was capable of and Noodle obviously didn't want to risk anything.

"Ill bring some blankets out for you guys" Noodle said and Russel got off the couch. Noodle and the others stepped down the hallway and you were stuck with Jonathan for the night.

~~3rd Person~~

Noodle and the band walk down the hallway, discussing the situation. Noodle explained to the band that he has till tomorrow then he's gone. No more Jonathan. Russel agreed with the plan while Murdoc and 2-D wanted him gone now. Russel, Murdoc, and 2-D went to bed knowing that Noodle could handle this.

Noodle got blankets and a half shirt, some Grey sweat pants, and socks for you. "Here you go (Y/N)" Noodle said handing her the blankets and cloths while secretly winking at her as she leaves to bed. (Y/N) gives the blankets to Jonathan so he can start making a mini bed while she goes to find the bathroom and get dressed.

(Y/N) comes back to a neatly made bed on the couch with Jonathan waiting. He had already changed into bed time cloths. 'I didn't see him walk in with a bag of extra cloths' (Y/N) thought as she lie down and eventually fell asleep.

~~Back To (Y/N) (The Next Morning)~~

You woke up with not only the warmth of the blanket around you, but also an arm around you. 'I'm gonna puke.' you thought as you slowly got out of his grasp and off the couch without waking him. You walked around the couch and down the hallway to find Noodle's room.

You came upon a white door with a drawing of a pink flower on it. You knew it was Noodle's. You opened it slightly, stepped in, and shut the door behind you. You felt warm as you stepped in, as if you were standing next to a fire place at all times with every step you took. It was pitch black in the room and you couldn't see anything. "Noodle?" you asked to the black space.

*Yawn* "(Y/N)?" you heard Noodles voice ask back. "Yeah its me" you whispered and a bright bedside lamp came on. Now you could see Noodle, all cozy in bed. You looked away from her and examined the room. It was very nice, pretty clean, and of course in a Japanese style.

"What are you doing up so early (Y/N)-chan?" she asked in a tired manner. "I don't know. I don't wanna sleep next to Jonathan. What time is it?" you ask, approaching her bed and jumping up to sit on it. Noodle sits up and looks over at her alarm clock,"Its 6:00 in the morning" Noodle states, throwing her head back onto her pillow.

You fall back on her bed and you both fall asleep.

"(Y/N)?" you hear a soft voice and you feel someone's hands on your shoulders shaking you.

"(Y/N)?" you hear and feel the same again. You force your eyes slowly open. Its blurry for a second and you can make out a figure.

Your eyes adjust and its thankfully just Noodle. "Hey lets go wake up! Murdoc heard the paparazzi was down town, he wants us to go out and get pictures" she said happily. "Why do I have to go?" you asked turning over to your side and moving out of her grasp,"I'm not even apart of the band".

Noodle turns you over and sits you up on the bed to face her. "Your apart of the family though, and I don't think you wanna stay here alone...with Jonathan" she says, whispering the last part to send shivers down your spine. "Let's go!" you said, already out of bed and at Noodle's bed room door.

Noodle turns to her dresser and throws you some cloths,"Here, get dressed and I'll meet you in the kitchen for some breakfast". Noodle walks out and leaves you alone to get ready. You get dressed, get ready for the day, and walk out to the kitchen to meet up with everyone else. The band members were eating toast and cereal, laughing and having a good time while Jonathan just watched them carefully and closely. 'I don't think I was supposed to see him like this' you thought to yourself.

You walked into the kitchen and everyone stoped talking and looked at you, you stood their confused for about 30 seconds before Jonathan got up from his seat. "You look amazing today!" he said as he approached you. He grabbed you and kissed you on the head once again, while obviously trying to make everyone else jealous.

While you didn't like Jonathan, the bands reaction still made you laugh. You almost saw smoke coming out of their ears they were so frustrated. You walked to the kitchen table and Noodle had already made you some toast and butter. You had your breakfast and you all walked out to the Stylo.

"We still only have 5 seats." Noodle said turning around to Jonathan. "It's ok Noodle" Jonathan said joyfully,"I can stay here, and if you don't want me in the house I can wait outside. Or maybe walk to the store and get some stuff you you!"

"Ok...umm, do whatever. We won't be gone long, I promise!" Noodle said and lead you to the backseat of the Stylo. This time Noodle and 2-D sat in the back with you while Murdoc drove and Russel was in the passenger seat. "Have you ever seen paparazzi before?" Noodle asked you,"Nope" you responded with a smile. "This is gonna be so fun!!" Noodle yelled.

The Stylo pulled up on the side of the street and everyone got out. Paparazzi surrounded you but not only were they taking pictures of the band. You noticed they were mostly taking pictures of you, some were even taking videos on their phones.

After about 7 minuets of the strange events taking place, a news van for the music channel pulls up and a woman with a microphone shoves her way through the crowd and straight towards you with a cameraman following closely behind her. The crowd circling the band and yourself starts to fall apart and split up as security starts to push them back.

The Music News needs space to ask questions. The woman finally reaches you and puts the microphone up to her own mouth, turns towards the cameraman, and begins to speak with you and the band behind her. "Hey Everyone! My name is Roxanne and I'm here with the band Gorillaz on the streets of London. Now tell me please I am dying to know who this young lady is right here" the woman states, gesturing to you, and holds the microphone up to Murdoc's mouth

"Im sorry sweetheart we jus' came her ta get pictures, we aren't answerin' questions right now" Murdoc says and signals everyone to get back in the car. You all enter the same way you had exited and as the car door shuts, you hear what the woman has to say. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and shows it to the cameraman,"As you can see fans all over twitter are already speculating!" she shouts over the crowd,"Could this woman be the new Gorillaz band member?"

The car door shuts fully and Murdoc rolls off back towards the house. You pull up to the house, expecting either Jonathan gone, a disaster, or both.
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BTW The Next Chapter is Hella Fire

Am I Just A Bad Dream? (Gorillaz X reader) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now