Chapter 1

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"Dan hurry up!" I shouted to my lovely brother who was trying to open the door to our new house. "I  didn't know you were that excited to leave Liverpool and move to Sydney. I also didn't know that you were in such a hurry to leave mom and dad." "Oh shut up. You knew hhow tired I was of them." He nodded and finally opened the door. I ran into the house that looked perfect. I took a look at the rooms and decided the one with a shower was mine! "Arlene wanna eat at maccas?" Dan shouted. "I think you know my answer" Of course I will. I mean maccas is heaven! I ran into Dan's car and he started driving. 

We ordered as much food as we could because we were starving. After eating we headed back home. I was so tired due to the trip. I went to my room and went sleeping altought it was 1 in the afternoon. Maybe I can start things again.


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