Chapter 2

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I wish I could kill jetlag but I think jetlag kills me. It was 10 pm and I had too much energy. Dan was sleeping so I was alone. Maybe I could go outside! No wait... I don't want to get kiddnapped. I went to our garden and sat on the grass. The weather was perfect. "Ashton I already told you that it was just a friendly kiss on the cheek." I heard a male voice talking. "Yes yes." said another guy. I layed down and stared at the beautifull starry sky. I wasn't sure where this city would take me but maybe somewhere good. At least I hoped so. Out of nowhere I got the idea to write some songs. After hours I was done with 4 songs that I was proud of.

"Arlene. Wake up, do you know how late it is? And why did you sleep in the garden I thought someone had kiddnapped you." I didn't know how late it was but I was really hungry! I sat up from the grass and my arms and legs hurt because of the hard ground. I didn't even answer Dan. "I'm hungry" "Go make food for yourself then." "But I don't want to make it by myself." He stood there for a little while and said "Then don't eat." Sometimes I really hated Dan. I was too lazy to make food so I just ordered a pizza. I checked the time and realised that it was 3 pm. Dan went to work so now I was alone waiting for the pizza to come. "IIIIIIIII-IIII WILL ALWAYS BE HUNGRYYYYYYY!" I sang by myself. actually it was more like shouting. I heard some really loud laughing from the kitchen so I went there. The window was open and there was two boys looking and laughing at me. SHIT! They heard me shouting and I just embarrassed myself. Nice job Arlene. Well done! I ran to my room and thought that the boys had left already. Ok, I don't have to worry about them. They might be just some random guys walking around. I didn't get to think more because my pizza arrived and I was in heaven. I'm going to get so fat but I don't care, I thought to myself...


Sooo it will get better after some chapters so just wait ;) how are you guys? I'm fine atm and im super tired and hungry. comment and tell me what u think and vote if u like and vote if u dont like ;) luuuf u nuggets!!!

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