Chapter 12

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"So what's going on with you and Blossomfall?" Snowpaw asks, catching Ivypool's attention, as they walk through the forest after they've finished up with battle training. "You both seem a little close lately."

Ivypool sighs, shaking her head a little. She knew Snowpaw was bound to ask her eventually. If one cat has already noticed that she and Blossomfall seem to be a little close lately, then give it time, and the whole Clan will have noticed soon. Problem is though, she's not sure how she and Blossomfall will react once the news is out.

"There's nothing going on." Ivypool says, looking down at Snowpaw, as he walks along beside her. "Why can't two friends just be close together?" She asks, not entirely sure if she worded that right, but Snowpaw seemed to get what she was trying to say.

"I guess you're right." He says. "But I might've been only a kit when it happened, but didn't you and Blossomfall both train in the Dark Forest together?" He asks. "That may make the rest of the Clan a little suspicious of why you and Blossomfall seem to be a little close lately."

Ivypool stops at that. Snowpaw is right with that. It does look a little suspicious that two of the warriors who trained in the Dark Forest are being a little closer than usual with each other, not to mention acting rather secretive. She and Blossomfall have taken that into consideration, but haven't exactly chosen what to do about it, as they're both not too certain that this is what they want just yet.

"I assure you that Blossomfall and I aren't about to do anything bad to harm the Clan, Snowpaw." She says. "We're not about to do something that goes against the warrior code."

But is what we're doing against the code?

Ivypool can't help but wonder if is or not. She's never heard of two she-cats or two toms falling in love with one another, it's always been a tom and a she-cat. So, is it against the code, if there's been no known incidents of two she-cats or two toms being mates with one another?

Thankfully, Snowpaw doesn't press the matter any further, and the two of them continue on through the undergrowth in search of fresh kill to bring back home to the Clan.


Padding back into camp, both Ivypool and Snowpaw have managed to catch a fair amount of prey for the Clan, or enough that they could manage to carry into camp by themselves.

"Snowpaw, go fetch something for Purdy." Ivypool says, glancing over at the elders den, where Purdy was just emerging from. "I'm sure he'd appreciate a nice fat mouse right about now."

At that, Snowpaw drops his catch onto the fresh kill pile, before rummaging through in search of a mouse for Purdy, and as soon as he's found one, he's running over to the elder to give it to him.

Ivypool watches along behind him, before glancing down at her catch that she had just set down among the rest of the kill on the pile. The pile looks to be well stocked right now, and the Clan will be well fed tonight.

Looking round the clearing, most of the Clan were out either sharing tongues with each other, or laying around soaking up the last of the warm Greenleaf sun till Leaf-fall arrives.

Underneath the highledge, Brightheart and Cloudtail are sitting together sharing a squirrel, while Sandstorm sat close by with Graystripe and Millie. Dustpelt was just emerging through the dirtplace tunnel, before settling down near the warriors den with Thornclaw and Birchfall.

One cat in particular, Ivypool can't bring herself to ignore as she spots her tortoiseshell and white pelt, and she finds herself wandering over to her side.

"Hey, Ivypool." Blossomfall purrs, sitting up, as Ivypool sits down next to her. "How did Snowpaw's training go?"

"It went well." Ivypool says, looking over towards the white tom, who's now sitting with the other apprentices. "Snowpaw will become a great warrior once he's ready."

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