Chapter 26

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A couple sunrises have passed since Muffy and Sooty have allowed both Ivypool and Blossomfall into their barn, and so far both the she-cats are liking it. Of course it's definitely no ThunderClan, but they think they might be able to get used to being here.

Though, they still have yet to tell both Muffy and Sooty why they had left their Clan. But neither Muffy nor Sooty, or any other cat here for that matter, have asked them about it.

Ivypool and Blossomfall get the feeling that these cats don't really seem to care all that much. But all the same, Ivypool and Blossomfall feel as though they should tell at least Muffy and Sooty why they left their Clan.

"Ivypool! Blossomfall!" Cinders yowls, the small black tom running over to the two she-cats with the two other kits, Poppy and Pepper running along behind him. "Can you please tell us more stories about the Clans?"

Looking between one another, Ivypool and Blossomfall both let out a purr in amusement at the little kit's eagerness to hear a story of the Clans again.

"This must be how all the elders feel." Blossomfall says, purring a little, before turning to the three kits sitting in front of them. "What would you like to hear, little ones?"

"Tell us about Firestar!" Poppy says.

"Alright." Blossomfall agrees, before beginning to tell the kits tales of the former ThunderClan leader, Firestar.

But while Blossomfall is telling the stories to the kits, Ivypool isn't really paying that much attention to it. Instead, she's just stretched out on the hay next to Blossomfall, lazily looking around the barn.

And as she does this, she begins to notice a few things. Things that give her hope that there are other cats out there like herself and Blossomfall.

Two of the she-cats here, Brick, a dark brown tabby, and Bailey, a ginger-and-white, look as though they're quite close with each other as they're sharing tongues with each other. She also notices Muffy and Sooty are looking to be quite close together right now too.

Maybe this is the perfect place for them? Maybe these cats don't care who other cats are mated with, and will welcome them all in with open paws.

Great StarClan, Ivypool sure hopes she's not assuming the wrong things. But if her assumptions are correct, then they have absolutely nothing to worry about with these cats.

This causes a sudden thought to arise in her mind. Maybe StarClan wanted this to happen, and it's why they never did anything about it during the gathering. She has had this thought before, but seeing some of these cats interact with each other, makes the thought reappear, and is beginning to sound like the more likely reason for all of this. Unless of course this wasn't their intention all along, and the other Clans are right with StarClan not approving of this.

Sometimes Ivypool wishes that StarClan would just straight up tell the Clans what they need to hear, and not be so mysterious about it all. It must get tiring for the medicine cats to decipher the meanings when they receive prophecies. Though she has a feeling that StarClan barely knows much about some of the prophecies they gives to the medicine cats.

But she supposes that there isn't really much she can do about that. She doesn't control StarClan, but it doesn't stop her from wishing that they'd be more clear with their prophecies and omens.

At times she finds herself having doubts about StarClan and questioning their motives. Right now, is certainly no exception. She may even have lost her faith in StarClan because of it.

But there's not much she can do about that now to restore her faith in StarClan. She and Blossomfall are both outside of the Clans, and most likely never able to return. Even if they very much want to return to ThunderClan.

Instead they'll be staying here for awhile. That is... if they don't get kicked out first. Though they can't find that out until they tell Muffy and Sooty why they had left their Clan....


"Blossomfall, I think we should tell Muffy and Sooty why we left our Clan." Ivypool says, as the two of them walk through the trees near the barn.

The two of them had decided that they needed some fresh air awhile after Blossomfall had told the kits more stories about the Clans. They also intend to do a it of hunting afterwards, just to give back to these cats who have kindly taken them in.

Blossomfall nods. "I agree." She says. "And, I honestly don't think these cats care who others are mated to."

That makes Ivypool pleased to know that Blossomfall has noticed the exact same thing as she herself has. Hopefully they're both right with their assumptions though, and these cats don't care.

"Yes. But let's just hope we're not wrong." Ivypool sighs.

Ivypool certainly hopes that they're not wrong. But maybe if their assumptions are wrong, these cats won't react as badly as the Clans did. They are hoping that they'll react similar to how ThunderClan had reacted to the news, and not like the other three Clans.

Though, now that Ivypool thinks about it, not all of RiverClan reacted that badly, except for a couple of the warriors. Mistystar definitely didn't seem bothered by it, but Ivypool can't really recall a time where the RIverClan leader was rather, well... extremely negative towards something. Ivypool has always seen her as a pretty relaxed and calm leader, which she admires very much about the RiverClan leader.

"Let's just get some hunting done before we head on back and tell them." Blossomfall says, changing the subject. "We can get some fresh kill for our new friends, then tell Muffy and Sooty what caused us to leave ThunderClan."

Ivypool nods in agreement, before they're off to hunt for some food. After these cats have welcomed them into their home, they should at least thank them in some way. Even if after they inform Muffy and Sooty of why they had left their Clan, they end up kicking them out.

Which Ivypool and Blossomfall are thinking is a little unlikely now, but they don't know for sure.

There's always the chance that they may just be misinterpreting things, and these cats will kick them out. They haven't exactly known these cats for very long after all....

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