That guy cutie

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This is in lexis PO
I ran up to the stomping dinosaur and started to try and apologise.
"Im sorry ok??  I took it as an opportunity... I'm sorry I really didn't mean to please forgive me?" Red turned around.
"I don't know! Just... don't do that again, ok?"
"Ya know..."  I started
"No don't please" he said.
"He's really cute" I said as he blushed a bright red.  He looked down and rubbed his temples. The bell rang as we went to our homeroom. 

<Time skip brought to you by dirt>

When we got home from school, we decided to play some video games.  (Since it was the first day and we had no homework.) Red was in all of my classes because of my extreme monophobia. Its the fear of being alone or being without a specific person. There was this one time in fifth grade when they put us in different classes and I had a panic attack until he came into the room and comforted me. The new kid was also in all of our classes which was actually pretty cool for me so I could tease Red. It was really funny until he was blushing so much it looked like he was splashed in the face with red paint.  I almost got in trouble I almost burst out laughing.  We were currently playing Mario kart 8. And I was also currently beating him.  I jumped when he swearved in front of me last minute and won first place. 
"HA!! SUCK IT!!" Red said, jumping around. After a little bit, the doorbell rang, and he paused the game and got the doorbell. I heard a gasp.
"Oh, hi!" Came a familiar voice. My phobia kicked in as I came up to red. I saw who it was and looked at Red, who had a blush on his face. I wiggled my eyebrows and nudged his arm with my elbow. He only blushed harder and gently pushed me.
"W-w-what are y-you d-d-doing here?" Red said, finally looking up at him.
"Oh, sorry, I just wanted to know how to het to Marol street from here? Im lost."
"Oh o-o-okay you jus-"
"You just go to the left, hang a right, hang another right, and you'll be there." I said, cutting home off.
"Y-yeah..." he said. 
"Oh thanks! Well, see ya!" He said,  and he turned and walked away. As soon as he left, I wiggled my eyebrows and nudged his arm again.
"Please stop." He said, and I laughed.
"I love you bestfriend."
"I love you too, bestfriend."

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