His name is Barney

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I closed the door and sighed. I looked at my best friend and spoke, ready to faint.
"D-do you know h-his n-n-name?" I asked as the smile on Lexi's face grew as I felt the heat on my face increase.   "Yea, his name is John, but he prefers to be called Barney."
Just like how I like to be called red.  I thought. I heard a snort.
"You could say it like that I guess?" Lexi responded and started laughing
"H-How did you-?"
"I have magical mind reading powers!" she said, her new york accent thicker to serve a purpose. she doubled over, the sounds of her cute laughter filled my ears.
"You barely whispered it you doof, oh my God! I can't breathe! haha!" she stopped laughing after a while. Then, my mom came in carrying Maddie. Mads giggled and made grabby hands at Lexi. Lexi smiled back and walked over to pick her up.
"Awe, she loves you soo much Lexi!" my mom said 
"I know, she's my Lil' sis." Lexi replied,  kissing the too if her head as she giggled and grabbed lexi's necklace. Her phone went off and she pouted. 
"Welp, I gotta go to softball practice. Bye!" She waved closing the front door. Softball was okay if I wasn't there.  At least her mom was. I snapped back as the door suddenly opened.
"Forgot my backpack, sorry..." she walked and grabbed her black backpack.
"Bye loverboy~ she said as she closed the door.

"Wait, Loverboy? did you meet someone??"      

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