Special Softball Practice

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I huffed as I sat in the passengers seat of my moms blue Acura. She turned her head to me, as if she was confused.
"Whats wrong with you? You love softball practice!"
"Yeah, but I hate my coach." I spat and looked out of the window, shuffling in my seat as she turned her eyes to the road.
"Well this might make you feel better" mom said. Someone then popped out from the trunk.
"HEy orange!" It was Red.
"Oh my lord dino, you scared me half to death!" I laughed and punched his arm playfully.
"Thats what you get for smacking my butt today!" He said as he buckled his seatbelt.
"You did what?" My mom asked and she turned her head towards me.
"Why did you do that to him?" She questioned, constantly looking at the road.
"It was really funny, especially in front of his new crush~" I said and giggled. Red blushed hard.
"Oh really?" My mom said as Red hid his face in his hands.
"Knock it off mom!" Red said as he waved his hands in the air. My mom and I were both dying of laughter.
"Oh dino, you kill me" I said. We came to a stop at the softball field. I was a little happier. We all got out and Red got my bag for me.
"Oh why thank you, good dino" I exclaimed, patting his head.
"My leige" he said, bowing. We both giggled as I walked onto the softball field. They took a seat on a blanket in the grass my mom brought for my softball games and practices.
"Hey Lexi!" Mikayla bounded toward me, ball in glove.
"Hey Mikayla!" I said, fistbumping her. She looked at my mom and waved at her. We walked to. Right field and started throwing the ball back and fourth.
"Who's that with your mom?" I looked at Red. He was on his phone, he then turned to look at me and he waved. I waved back.
"Ooh, is he your boyfriend?" I blushed.
"N-no! He's my best friend! He's the guy I have to be at school with remember?"
"Oh yeah! Red, is it?" I nodded and we continued to throw the ball. A while past and I didn't know what we where doing until the coach blew his whistle, signaling us to come over to him.
"Alright girls, get water and get your bats and helmets."
The team cheered and we all scrambled to our softball bags. Red came up to me.
"HEy orange~" he said, winking at me.
"HEy Dino~" I said in my new york accent.
"Who's that?" Bethany stood next to me and looked at Red with a fierce look in her eye.
"Why do you care?" I spat back, glaring at her.
"He's distracting you, that's why" Bethany glared at Red more. He shrunk into his hoodie.
"You're supposed to be practicing." Bethany stated, as if she were the coach.
"I don't know, is she up to bat yet?" Red had started talking now, sending a death glare toward Bethany.
"No, but that doesn't matter" Bethany looked between us.
"I'm going to get Coach Art to tell them to leave"
'Leave, leave LEAVE' The words rang in my head for a moment as Bethany ran over to the coach and started to talk to him. He looked at me and his eyes widened. He quickly shook his head.
"Why? He's distracting her!" I started hyperventilating. Red's eyes widened as he ran to the gate and opened it. He ran over to me as I was about to fall to the ground. He sat down on the ground as I started to sob in his shoulder. He couldn't leave. No I didn't want him to. I was scared. He started whispering and shushing me.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm not going to leave you please stop crying," with blurry vision I saw him give the nastiest glare to Bethany. Coach Art took the team to the side and told them I had very extreme monophobia and that my mom was there because of it. They all nodded their heads and I heard something that made my day a whole lot better.
"Bethany, you are not allowed to talk to Alexis anymore, this has gotten out of hand"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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