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"Your plan sucks." I said after they told me their 'genius' plan. Which did suck.

They both looked at me with wide eyes, shocked. "Uhh, I thought it was pretty good." Jon said.

"No, it's shit." I said bluntly.

Derek got up from his chair and started pacing. We were in the back of some sketchy shop; the owner was a friend of Derek's. Big surprise.

"Well, our plan did get us this far. Just saying..." Derek pointed out.

"Look, I don't care how good your plan has been so far, I am not fucking moving to Scotland or some other random place in the world. This is my home, why can't they leave it?" I asked.

"Y/N, if it was just you and I, I would be all for staying here and figuring something else out. But, we've got a fucking kid to think about now!" Jon said.

"And you don't think we're not going to need help?! You don't think we won't need help from our friends and family? Except my dad, he doesn't count." I thought Jon and I were going to be pretty good parents, but that didn't mean we could do it in some foreign country while working full time. (That was their other brilliant idea; they wanted us to start 'all over' which meant we wouldn't be able to take a lot of money with us.)

"I don't know!" He yelled, "I'm just trying to think of something here to keep you safe!"

"I hate to break it to you, Jon, but we won't ever be safe! My dad won't give up!"

"Yeah, neither will Josh," Derek added helpfully, as always. I felt bad about punching him less and less as time went on.

"And you're sure we can't go to the police?" I asked for about the 4th time.

"No, Josh will turn lover boy and me in, and we will be behind bars with them. I don't know about Jon, but I don't want to go to jail. I don't need myself a boyfriend." I really wanted to punch Derek in the face again.

"So, basically we've got nothing," I stated.

"Not true!" Jon said

"You're idea is SHIT, its plan like z. That means there 20 other more logical ways to handle this problem." I said.

"For fucks sake, Y/N! We don't have any other plans!" Jon yelled.

We continued to yell at each other back and forth, while Derek sat there and watched.

We went silent though as soon as Derek's cell phone rang. "It's your dad." He said.

Derek answered it before I could tell him not too. What an idiot. "What," he said, and then he just rolled his eyes and handed the phone to me.

"Hello?" I nervously said.

"Y/N, this is ridiculous-"

"No, you want to know what's ridiculous?" I said gaining confidence, he needed to hear this. "How you fucking sold me to Josh. How you used to hit me over stupid things, like when I couldn't find the remote. How I can't sleep all the way through the night, because you never let me. How I'm pregnant and you're planning on letting some asshole take that away from me. IN FACT, you're helping him."

I could hear him sigh on the other end of the phone, "I never meant for any of this to happen... "


His tone suddenly changed. "Don't you dare talk to me like that ever again, you filthy whore. It's not my fault you went out and got pregnant, RUINING EVERYTHING. No one this would have ever happened if you had just stayed with Josh, this is all your fault. Just like everything always is."

"I'm sick of you blaming things on me; it's your own fucking fault." Then I hung up. I felt strong and empowered, right up until Josh burst through the door, reunited with his gun.

We just couldn't catch a break.

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