This is such major subject and still nothing has changed with it. It's a big issue that may of us go through and it's so bloody wrong. There is no such thing as the perfect way to look. Every sing person out there is different, we are all beautiful in our own ways and we all need to see that.
Too many times have I heard it happen. I have gone through it too. Either it's about weight, boob size, stretch marks, any thing about your appearance but unless the person is completely perfect can they really say all this?
The answer to that, I believe, is no they shouldnt, but we all have our first impressions. It's a part of being human. These first impressions shouldn't be to out someone else down about the way they look.I've been through this and I'm not going to lie but it's really struck my confidence. I've never been confident anyway but when I started to gain confidence as I went into college leaving the harsh words and everything behind I thought I was going to be okay. I thought I could just ignore what people said and not care in a way, I was happy with me for once but this didn't happen. All to often we care to much about what other people think of us. I still care now but not as much. If you are happy with the way you look and the way you are they who gives a fuck if there are people out there that don't like that.
I've been called too skinny, been asked if I really wanted to eat that as I was putting on weight. Been told my boobs are too small and I shouldn't have marks on my legs. I've been told I'm not pretty enough and it does bloody hurt. But enough is enough.
You don't like the way I look then don't look at me.
It's not just girls that get it, it's guys too. We all need to be so much nicer to each other because the world's already full of so much hate. We don't need to add to it!
Now I'm not saying I've never judged someone we all have at points. But keep those to yourself and maybe get to know someone before you think negatively towards some one.
People may not show it but words can really hurt someone.
Stand infront of the mirror and see how beautiful you are. See every single thing you like about yourself both inside and out.
It's not just about how physically beautiful you are, it's about your personality and who you are as a whole.
You a real unique, you are the best version and only version of you. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You are loved. You are one of a kind. Love who you are and don't change because of negative words
little chats and thoughts
Non-Fictionthought id make this as just a place i can write about things going on in my life where if any of you read this maybe it will help or you guys could give me advice. probably not the best place to do this but hey im not amazing with this sort of stuf...