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"Jaimin run!" Miss Olive shouted while pushing me away from the rouge in front of me. Being the scared six years old I was I did just that.

I ran all the way out of the orphanage and looked round at the chaos. Dead wolves were littered everywhere, along with blood and the stench of death. Taking a deep breath I started to look for my friends.

"Acel! Brendan!" I shouted.

"Jaimin!" Two voices shouted from the side. I turned to see both acel and Brendan running up to me. Drefan, Brendan's older brother was also there.

"Come on jaimin we have to go!" Acel yelled.

I ran up to them and embraced them in a hug. "Come on let's go!" I yelled while running while holding both of their hands.

We reached drefan. "We have to leave now!" He shouted and sprinted into the forest, we quickly followed. Before we left I turned to look at the pack house one more time.

"jaimin wake up!" A voice yelled. I swatted my hands around.

"Five more minutes" I mumbled.

"No jaimin we're going to be late for our first day of school!" With that I shot up.

Brendan groaned "hurry up! Remember what we said. New pack, new school, new us! No more sleep ins" he said then his eight year old self left the room.

We now live in the orphanage in ruby moon pack. After spending two years as rouges. They let us join straight away considering we were all kids.

I rubbed my face and jumped out of bed. I walked over to a drawer and pulled out a hand me down dinosaur tshirt and a pair of jeans. I quickly put them on while also pulling on my tatted shoes.

I quickly ran down the stairs while grabbing my light blue backpack and swinging it over my shoulders.

Acel, Brendan, drefan and a couple other orphans were by the door waiting for me. I quickly walked over to my two best friends. "Took you long enough omega!" Mr Dallas snapped at me. Drefan and the other children started to laugh at me. Acel and Brendan looked down at the floor. "You missed breakfast!"

"Sorry sir" I said while bowing my head in submission.

He just scoffed and unlocked the door. We all walked out and ran to the mini bus. Me and the boys sat at the back while drefan and his friends sat at the front talking.

"Here" Brendan said while passing me an apple "I saved it at breakfast" he smiled at me.

"Thanks Bren" I said while taking a bite of the apple.


"Alright get out you parentless freaks!" Mr Dallas shouted from the drivers seat. Yesh someone is in a bad mood. We all got out of the bus.

A sign caught my eye ' scarlet crescent primary school'.

"Come on jaimin. The bell goes in ten minutes so we can play in playground for a bit" Acel said while tugging my hand.

I smiled at him and we all ran for the juniors playground. "Look there's a swing set!" Brendan screamed while pointing to it.

We all quickly ran to it.

Me and Brendan jumped on the two seats while acel tried to push us. "This is fun!" I shouted over to Brendan who nodded.

We were going really high in the air. While acel sat on the side Laughing at us as our hair was going everywhere.

"Hey those are our swings!" A blonde girl yelled at us while marching over with two other girls in tow.

Me and Brendan stopped our swings. The girl crossed her arms "get off our swings!" She screamed. A couple other children looked over to us. Actually forget a couple, all the children in the play ground were looking at us.

"But we were here first" Brendan argued back.

I put my head down. " come on Brendan let's go" I said while jumping off the swing. Brendan silently groaned but jumped off the swings too.

All three of us started to walk away from the swings with our head down. "And don't come back you filthy omegas!" She shouted making the majority of the children laugh except the other omegas.

We decided to sit on one of the benches in the sheltered area. There were three benches. One had a group of tough looking boys on in so we sat on the middle bench. The boys started to laugh and throw pieces of bread from their sandwiches at us. We kept wiping them off us but didn't want to say or do anything. We've already been humiliated once today.

"Ahh!" Someone shouted from our right. We all turned to see that there was three girls sitting on the other bench. One was wiping bread crumbs off her mint green dress. While the other two helped.

I looked closely at the girls. The first was a tall blonde girl with pale skin that complimented her bright blue eyes. She was the tallest out of the three. Then there was the first brunette who had milky skin and honey brown eyes. Then there was the girl who was wiping off the bread crumbs. I couldn't see her face because her long wavy brown hair was covering it but she had beautiful sun kissed skin.

Then her head whipped up. Her angry but beautiful green eyes were glaring over at the bench with the bread throwers. I was in shock. She was absolutely breathtaking.

"How dare you throw bread at me Harold" she said while stomping over to him.

His face paled "I'm so sorry kyra" he stuttered out.

"You got bread crumbs all over my favourite dress you idiot!" She screamed at him. Then she did something I didn't think a innocent looking girl could do. She punched him in the stomach making him hurl over while holding his stomach. Distracted with his stomach, the girl or should I say kyra stomped on his foot. He yelped and grabbed his foot in the air. Using that to her advantage she full force pushed him. Making him fall to the floor.

"Go kyra!" The two other girls shouted when she skipped back over to them like nothing happened.

"Woah!" All three of us said at the same time.

And that's how I gained my massive crush on kyra Reinhold. The future alpha of the ruby moon pack.

 The future alpha of the ruby moon pack

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