Chapter 1

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10 years later
Jaimins pov

"Guys! Hurry up we're going to be late!" I yelled in our one bedroom apartment. Me and the boys all bought this one bedroom house together a couple months ago, out of our savings from working at the chip shop. It took us a while but we were determined to leave that stupid orphanage. We all have single beds in that one room but we've always shared things so we were fine with it.

"Coming!" Brendan yelled from the bathroom. Acel quickly ran into the room while pulling his sleeves down on his small jacket.

"I really need a new jacket" he mumbled.

"Hey Acel we'll go to shaw trust after school today to look for one yeah" I said while handing him his worn out backpack.

He nodded "cheers mate" he mumbled

Acel has been extremely shy over the years. We think it has something to do with all the bullying that we go through everyday.

"Brendan hurry your ass up!" I screamed.

"Shut up!" Mr Hughs our neighbour shouted while banging the wall.

I rolled my eyes "sorry mr Hughs!" I yelled back to the miserable old git.

Brendan then casually strolled into the room. "What up bros" he said while looking in the kitchen cupboards for food.

I groaned "we ran out so we'll pick up something from the petrol station on the way to school. Let's go" I said whilst shaking my car keys.

We all walked out of the apartment. I quickly locked the door and we walked to our old blue Mazda 121. It's crap but at least it gets from A to B.

"You know if we actually told the girls that we're mates we might be able to have a decent breakfast and drive in a nicer car. And maybe acel would stop pulling on his jacket" Brendan said while putting on his seat belt.

Yep you guessed right. We haven't told our mates that we are meant to be together forever and love each other. We are waiting for their eighteen birthday so they would be able to tell we were mates. That and the fact we are all terrified of being rejected.

I looked over at him "okay then, next time you see ameera go over to her and tell her your her mate"

He quickly looked away "okay we'll wait" he mumbled.

I nodded and started the car. "What I thought" I said while pulling out.


"Okay so ready salted crisps for acel, a muffin and a bottle of orange juice (that cost me a fortune) for Brendan and a pack of caramel snack a jacks for me" I said while passing over the food while getting small 'thank yous'

"Come on let's go already! Channing wants to see ameera" Brendan said while holding his head.

"Same with lovell" acel muttered

me too I groaned "so does Randal" I said while starting the car again. "Off to hell we go"

Just as I was about to pull out of the petrol station a roofless red car went speeding past, Followed by yells of joy.

I sighed "I swear I'm still wondering how our mates are still alive by doing that everyday"

"Looks fun" Brendan shrugged. "Maybe one day we will be able to join them in breaking the law"

"Maybe" I muttered and pulled out of the station


"And we are back in hell!" I announced as soon as we parked the car.

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