Chapter 21

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Jaimins pov

"Hi how can I help you?" I asked the customer who came in to the empty chip shop.

"Hi can I have two cones of chips and a battered sausage please?" the girl asked with a smile on her face.

I nodded " coming right up" I said and went to work on her order.

As soon as I gave her the order and she paid for it she left.  Sighing I leaned against the back wall, closing my eyes. I was exhausted with the rush hour. I'm never going to cover for Brendan on a Saturday ever again!

"Jaimin" Acel called walking out of the kitchen with a new stack of cut up potatoes, which he then dumped into the deep fat fryer. "Have there been anymore customers?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him "only a few" I said. He nodded and leant up against the wall with me.

"So how do you feel about moving in with Kyra?" He asked in a timid tone.

I gave a brief small smile "I like the idea of living with Kyra and her mum but not so much as living with the alpha"

He frowned for a second "he'll soon be your father in bond though. Plus he seemed pretty nice at the party"

"I'm pretty sure that's because the Luna was by his side. She can't always be by his side" that's what scared me. I've heard that the alpha can be very protective when it comes to his family. "Anyway enough of me how about you. Did you find the person who stole your clothes?"

He shook his head "no and I only just got that jacket"

That's when the bell rang and a boy came in. His hair tar black and eyes a warm brown. He held himself high from what I can tell he has alpha blood. He also held a playful smirk on his face like he did something funny.

I leaped up from the wall and walked to the counter "Hi how can I help you?" I asked

"Hi I need four bags of large chips all with jumbo sausages and four cans of pop" he said whilst I typed it in. I could sense acel getting up to help with the order.

"Coming right up" I said and got to work. Before I could scoop some chips up the door slammed open and the scent of my mate invaded my nose.

"I'm going to kill you Gabriel Joseph!" She said marching over to the boy. Her clothes were covered in mud.

"Come on its not my fault that it's muddy" he exclaimed with a laugh

"Yeah but it was your fault for pushing me into said mud" she growled out. Okay who the hell Is this guy and why is he pushing my mate into the mud. "Doesn't matter anyway it's your car we came in"

His face dropped at that "Well it looks like your walking"

"Fuck no! I'll tell my dad on you" she shouted back at him.

His paled "You wouldn't" she just gave him a smirk "please Kyra I'm begging you don't tell your father"

"We'll see" she muttered. He sighed in relief. That's when she caught my scent and looked at me "Jaimin?"

"Hey Kyra" I said bringing the shovelled chips over to the paper wrap. "Who's your friend"

"The names gabe. You must be the famous jaimin Kyra keeps talking about" he gave me a grin from ear to ear.

"Yeah that's me" I replied placing the pack of chips on the counter whilst acel put the other three down. Then he went to the fridge to get the cans they requested. Goddess! whilst I was just standing there he's been busy. " so how do you know each other?"

Gabe gave a cheeky smile "we used to share bubble baths"

Kill him! my wolf growled out. He's gotta be kidding I'm not fighting an alpha. I don't care what he is kill him!

"Yeah before you peed in them" Kyra snapped before turning to me "he's my cousin"

"Ah that makes sense" I said, relief washing over me "it's nice to meet you"

He nodded "Yeah you too, I'll guess I'll see you tomorrow when you move in" he said whilst taking the bag that acel handed to him. "I'll be in the car Kyra"

Kyra nodded then he walked out "I bet you he's left me" She muttered before turning to me with a smile "Hi"

I gave her a small smile "Hi" I replied

She placed her hand on the counter "so do you work here regularly?"

"Just on Sunday's and Monday afternoons" I replied back, whilst cleaning up the counter. Kyra moved her hand so I could wipe the surface under it. "So have you heard from ameera?"

She nodded "yeah she texted me when Brendan went to the bathroom, they are having a picnic in mr barracks field" I could feel acel tense up at the end of her sentence.

"He's stupid" acel muttered whilst adding more drinks to the fridge.

Kyra gave a small snicker before turning serious "are you okay with moving in then? I could always have ameera move in and you could stay with the boys in the pack house"

I shook my head "nah it's fine, you are my mate and I want to live with you. I'm just nervous about your father" she turned bright red then burst into laughter.

"My dad is what scares you?" She threw her head back "my mums the one you should worry about"

"Your mum seems sweet" I commented

Kyra stopped laughing and gave me a playful smirk "we'll see" she winked then walked off out of the chip shop.

"Damn it Gabriel!" I heard her shout as soon as the door closed.

"Damn it Gabriel!" I heard her shout as soon as the door closed

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His alpha female mateWhere stories live. Discover now