Chapter 27

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Jaimins PoV

I quickly dove down next to Kyra as she screamed in pain, both me and my wolf were panicking. "No!" Kyra screamed

I gently rubbed her back to try and help relieve the pain. I glanced round to see that all eyes were wide and locked on Kyra like she was a different creature. Then Kyra stopped screaming and looked round in a panic. "Jaimin?" She called out in fear.

I pulled her into a hug and placed a kiss on her head "I'm right here" I whispered into her ear. I heard her sigh in content and tighten her grip.

"What are you all staring at?" Ameera growled out. All eyes turned to her "haven't you ever seen a girl turn psychotic before?"

Brendan smirk and sent me a wink then he mouthed "only in my bed"

I rolled my eyes and held kyra closer. "They know jaimin" Kyra mumbled like she was about to faint.

I looked down at her with concern. Her eyes looked like they were about to collapse. She swayed a bit "who knows Kyra?"

She fell into my arms her eyes closing "the moon goddesses" was the last thing she said before fell into unconsciousness.


"I can't believe they didn't let you stay with her in the nurses office" Ameera scoffed whilst sitting next to me in art class. The only class both of us have together alone well and Leya but she preferred to sit by herself.  She titled her head to the side as she stroked her canvas with paint "I mean your her mate and mates heal faster when they are together"

I sighed and washed my paintbrush in the cup of water by the side "Drefan was also in there and they didn't want me around him"

Ameera shook her head in disbelief "what even started that little fight?"

I looked up at her in confusion "Brendan didn't tell you?" She shook her head so I explained the whole thing to her.

She was laughing her head off at the end "you told Brendan to be the bigger man then he provokes you and you acted the way he wanted you too! Your such a hypocrite!" She was slapping her knees in the end.

The teacher frowned and looked our way "is there something you want to tell the whole class?"

Ameera sobered up and looked at miss sawdon in the eye " I had sex with my mate last night"

Miss gasped "That is not the reply I wanted!" Miss then stood up and walked to see our canvases. She took one look at mine and shook her head in disapproval. It was true that I was terrible when it came to art, unlike Kyra. Miss then looked at Ameeras work and gasped in horror "this is terrifying"

Ameera gave her a bright smile " why thank you" she gave a small bow.

I glanced over to see that her work was indeed scary. It was set in a medieval town at night time. All the villagers were screaming in pain or fear. some lied dead, drenched in blood. A little girl sat in the corner crying whilst what I think was her mum laid dead by the side of her. What stood out like a sore thumb was the woman in the centre of the canvas. Unlike everyone else she looked happy as a satisfied smirk was planted on her face. Her dark eyes sparkled with amusement as the wind blew both her dark hair and the tortured screams.

"I agree with the teacher" I told Ameera. My eyes stayed glued to the canvas "that is terrifying"

Ameera scoffed "well my terrifying art is better than my normal art" Miss took one more scared glance before walking on to looking at other canvases. Ameera glanced at my work and scrunched her face up "what is that?"

I turned back to my work "it's a bowl of lemons" I frowned and tilted my head to the side "Well it's supposed to be"

Ameera snickered "it looks like a gone off egg" I looked at her with a playful glare before flicking paint at her. She gasped and threw some back.

"Fantastic!" We both turned to see miss sawdon praising leyas work. "The detail is amazing!"

I turned my body to see her work. My eyes widened. What I saw was the most magnificent wolf I've ever seen in my whole life. It's fur was golden and looked like it shone in the moonlight. It's eyes showed enough power to make the strongest alpha bow down in submission. The only weird thing about it was the silver moon crescent that was on the wolf's forehead.

Ameera scoffed "I thought mine was better"

I turned to her "it is for a Halloween decoration"

"And Halloween is soon" she muttered. Then turned to me "Jaimin your a genius!"

I rolled my eyes and put my paintbrush down "so I've been told" I turned to back to the teacher "Miss!" I called

The turned away from leyas painting and turned to me "Yes jaimin"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Miss just waved her hand at me,

I quickly went to the bathroom and then quickly left as soon as I finished. I needed to grab my stuff from the art classroom because the bell was going to ring any minute.

I turned the corner but stood frozen in my tracks at the sight in front of me. The couple making out quickly jumped away from each other.

Sadden gasped "what are doing here?"

I ignored her and kept my eyes on the other person involved, his eyes were wide and he stared back at me

"It's not what you think!" He exclaimed.

Then the bell rang and the art class walked out. Ameera gave a cheeky smile and threw me my bag. "So lunch?"

I gave her a wordless nod. She then turned behind her "you coming Acel?"

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