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Noura's POV:

So, my next class was Music History with Mr. Tomlinson.

"Okay Class, to start off the year each of you will form groups of 3 and make a parody of any song you wish as long as the song was written more than 15 years ago" Mr. Tomo started off class.

I decided to work with Zack and Taylor because why not? "Okay, guys what song should we do," I asked them?

"I don't know, how about we google popular songs made in say 2013" Taylor suggested.

so I searched up some songs from that period and chose 3 songs, Trumpets, Timber, and Best Song Ever.

"Hey guys come check this out!" I said while showing them the video for 'Best Song Ever'

"Holy mother of Jesus" Taylor exclaimed.

"Is that our fathers?" Zack questioned.

"Yeah it is and look it's Mr. Tomo!"

"Damn they were HOT back then"

"Now they are ugly 40-some year olds"

"Yeah, now it just looks like they gave up on kids" Taylor commented.

"Oh my God guys how cool do you think it would be if we did a parody of one of their songs? Zack suggested

"I think my dad teaches Mr. Tomo's son" Taylor commented.

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER because I have writer's block for at least a month.

Comment what you think should happen.

I will use your idea if I think it will fit what I have planned for this story.


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